They are all waiting for me to stop the fight. They are all...

I turned to my Baba and saw the Emperor and Empress looking at me. Baba nodded at me and he stood up. "General Wang, your Crown Prince has said enough. Put Wang Dao down."

General Wang nodded and he loosened his hold on Wang Dao's collar. Wang Dao slumped against his father. I am not sure if he is conscious or has he passed out already. General Wang hugged his son, anchoring Wang Dao so his son won't fall to the floor.

It was a tender moment given by a sire to his son, a total opposite of what he had just done some moments ago when he was choking Wang Dao against that marble pillar.

"General Bam, Captain Ching...take the boy from General Wang," the Emperor ordered. The two official, and some of their guards, moved quickly to do as Baba ordered. General Wang gently handed his son to the Prince's Guards.

"Han, I asked why you stopped the fight?" I flinched when I realize my Emperor was addressing a question to me.

I look at General Wang, "I don't want the good General to do more damage to my guard. He is mine...Wang Dao is my guard." I said.

The Emperor nodded. "Then the test is over. General Bam, take Wang Dao to the Prince's Palace and see to his injuries there..."

General Bam nodded but he didn't move to quickly follow the order. "Your Majesty, can I talk to you later?" He asked my Baba.

"Yes, General Bam. I will see you and General Wang later to my chambers. For now, take care of our Crown Prince's guard first." The Emperor said.

General Bam and the rest of the Prince's Guards all bowed to us before they carry the still slumped Wang Dao out of the throne room.

I send them off with my eyes. I decided to see Wang Dao for myself later. I want to determine if he is well or if General Wang had done a lasting damage on my guard.

I hope not. I think I just found my first person. The one I will claim as my trusted ally and advisor.

General Wang is strong, there is no question in that. But if there is someone who could be as strong as him, that person is Wang Dao. My Baba has General Wang, his strongest man in the Imperial Army.

I should have that as well. I should have a Master General and strong man in my own Imperial Army when I became the Emperor of this land.

And that person is Wang Dao. He will be to me what General Wang is to my Baba.



I just took time to change my damaged clothes and leather armor before I went back to the main Palace to my meeting with the Emperor and General Bam.

Rei had to remind to to drink before leaving my office.

"Rumors said that you had quite an exercise with Wang Dao, Sir." My aide says while I am drinking.

"There are rumors already?" I frowned at that.

Rei nodded, a gleeful glint on his eyes. "What the boy did was so crazy, it is spreading like spilled water in the ground. Easily. I mean, we are all questioning your son's sanity Sir, but no one can question his bravery anymore."

Is my son brave? No and yes. I think my son does have bravery in his heart but more than that, I think my son is fearless. Dayu taught our son to be paranoid and to always be ready, that's why Dao is never afraid to face any fight. The boy knows he is prepared.

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