Chapter Thirty-One (31)

Start from the beginning

I was about to protest but he put his hand up to signal me to not continue.

I nodded my head and he made his way to the kitchen and I was left here with Nate. Yet again the room was silent and the sound of the clock ticking was the only thing we could hear.

“Are you okay Krys?” Nate asked me and looked at me.

“I am fine Nate.” I replied trying to force a fake smile because honestly I am far from okay.

“You know that you can talk to me if something is wrong. I am always here to listen.” He told me with a smile on his face.

“Thank you Nate, it means a lot.” I replied and sighed as I looked at the clock it was 6:43 p.m. Wow I slept for a good amount of time but I am still sleepy. A yawn accidently escaped my mouth and I quickly covered my mouth and mumbled an excuse me.

He chuckled and said, “Still tired, huh?”

I nodded my head and replied a faint yeah, as I smiled at him.

“I see, well it is probably from the lack of food, once you eat you might get some energy.” He said.

“Yeah maybe.” I replied not in the mood of talking about food, and my problems.

“Alright time to eat. I made dinner for all three of us let us go eat!” Hunter said as he smiled but I could tell he was still upset. His father is in a coma and I am a burden on him. I followed the two into the dining room without saying anything.

“Hope you all like pasta, please dig in.” Hunter said as he motioned us to the table.

“Looks good, thanks Hunt!” Nate said as he placed some pasta in his plate and began to eat.

“Thanks Hunt!” I told him as I smiled. I looked at the food and I felt my stomach turn, the sight of food makes me feel sick but I need to eat because Hunter worked so hard. I began to eat small bites trying my best not to vomit. I took couple of breaths as I continued to eat.

Finally, after the hard attempt to finish couple of bites, I drank a lot of water to get the taste of food out of my mouth. It was not because the food was not good, but food in general makes me feel unwell.

“Thank you Hunter, that was great!” Nate said as he stood up and went to the sink to wash his plate.

“No problem man, hope you liked it too Krys.” Hunter said as he looked at me.

“Of course, I did thanks lil bro.” I told him teasingly trying to brighten the mood, I guess.

He rolled his eyes and smiled at me and went to wash his plate, as Nate laughed at that little segment.

While about to make our way back to the living room to get ready to go and see Brandon my cell phone began to ring. I excused myself and ran upstairs to get it since it was in the spare bedroom I am staying in. I looked at the caller ID and it was mom.

 I started to debate whether or not I wanted to answer her. I was not in the mood for her lies and fakeness anymore. I took a deep breath and decided to answer her.

“Hello.” I replied back bluntly.

“Where are you young lady? Melissa called and said Nate is not answering her either. Get home right now!” She yelled. Does she think I am still a kid to treat me that way and why are they both so nosey.

“Mom I am not two and I will not come home now. I am sorry but I have to go.” I replied back calmly trying not to get angry.

“Oh yes you will young lady and tell Nate to get back too, his grandma wants him.” She growled.

“No. Besides who said I know where Nate is at? Tell his grandma I do not know anything about his where about. Goodbye.” I lied and turned my phone off before she starts to yell again.

I sighed and threw my phone across the room and it broke in pieces. I sighed and fell on the bed wanting to cry.

Why can’t my mom be the mom she was before?  Why can’t dad be okay? Why do I have to be a burden on Hunter and Nate? Why can’t I just have a somewhat normal life? I heard running up the stairs and I heard the door of my room open. Hunter ran in with Nate beside him.

“You okay?? I heard something break.”Hunt asked as he ran by my side.

“I am fine Hunter; I just got upset at the person on the other line so I kind of broke my phone.” I said as I pointed to the now broken phone on the floor.

“Oh is everything okay?” Asked Nate as he looked at me with concern, probably thinking I am crazy.

I explained to him what happened and what his grandma said and he seemed mad as well.

“She just can’t leave me alone. She wants to ruin everything in my life according to her plans.” He said and sighed.

“I guess that is our life.” I said and chuckled with no humor. He  shook his head then said, “Not anymore. I will not let her run my life as if I am some type of machine. Besides, she changed she is not that loving and caring grandma that I knew and loved. She changed suddenly and became a stranger.” He said as he walked out of the room leaving me and hunter.

“I-why do I ruin everything Hunter? If I was not born he did not have to be forced to marry me and his grandma would still love him. My mom would not have to force to love me and I would not have to deal with all of this mess. You too, you would be free and away from all of this mess. It would have been just you, your dad and mom.” I whispered and looked down feeling my eyes begin to water but I tried my best to not cry.

“What?? It is not your fault Krys, come on let us be serious. It is his grandma and your mom’s fault, do not blame yourself. You are nothing but innocent in all of this Krys, okay? Besides I cannot imagine my life without my sister.” He said loudly then ended it quieter and gentler as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

I closed my eyes and shrugged my shoulders trying not to cry. I want to believe what he is saying but it is hard to believe. I am nothing but a mistake and burden.

© Copyright 2014 Mouna E. All Rights Reserved.

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