Chapter 36

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Hello beautiful, I am updating a day early as my gift to you , comment what you celebrate on December 25th. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Merry Kwanzaa, Happy Anastasia of Sirmium, Happy Saint Stephen's Day, Happy Malkh, Happy Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, Happy Decemberween and Happy robotica, No matter what you celebrate or if you celebrate at all have a great day and holiday day off (and if you don't have the day off I hope you are having a great day and at least you're getting paid (hopefully))! PS I'm still not near a computer so I'm sorry if the update is not the best spelling and grammar wise.

Bliss POV

Even though God does not have a face because God is just a beacon of light, you can tell when god doesn't like an answer. The air around the room shifts into anger and tension.

"I could if I wanted to. But even if I wanted to, I don't have a reason to. Why do you ask bliss?" Gods voice is sharp and tense. Gods voice is not one singular voice but a collection of many voices male female animals and everything, so it's hard to understand.

I can tell he's not happy because he didn't call me dear but called me by my name. "Well I have found my mate and would like to be with him, I was hoping that he could become an angel with me." It is not a good idea to lie to God.

The air around doesn't just become tensor but it is stifling and suffocating. God's voice booms and makes my ears ring with intensity "you want me to change the general of hell into an angel!! He is the Devil's right hand man! I was gracious enough to let you become an angel instead of being a lonely soul and you asked this of me!?!?" I involuntarily shutter and sink into myself. I want to tell him that he is good and his father was an angel.

However, I've just realized what a bad idea this was. God hates demons even though the original demon of hell was once an angel, he cannot forgive any demons for being what they are. Especially hates the royal family Because of their first ancestor. I don't know what to do so all I do is nod and stay silent.

The voice and light that is made of so many things, floats upwards and towards me. I'm still kneeling but I have curled myself into a little ball talking my head between my knees. I feel a pull on my hair so painful it forces my head up to look at the blinding light.

After my hair is pulled I feel something closing around my neck it is not a hand or rope or any malleable thing but it's suffocating me. It is the force of pure light. The force of the light lifts me off my knees and off the ground when I extend my feet to feel the ground, but it's gone.

Gods light begins walking out of the room with me suffocating and floating off the ground. God walks with me in front and my back turned so I can not see where we are going. My hands automatically go up to my neck to try and get the force off me but it is no use. It is as if my hands are going through water, I can't break away or relieve the pain anyway.

My head is starting to get foggy and my blood is pulsing through my head giving me a headache. I don't know where God is taking me but it won't be good.

God starts speaking to me as god is choking me " I should've left you in hell to suffer or be eaten. The only reason I didn't is because it was your fate to become an angel. Nothing more nothing less. You even have audacity to asked me to save a demon from damnation! I already granted you life once again after your own soul made the irrational decision to go to hell. And now you asked me to grant life to another who is far less worthy. You ask too much! I don't know how you found out about your mate but I can tell in your eyes that you remember everything from your time in hell which means you are no longer worthy."

I don't know what God means by worthy but I soon realized that he is at the gates, he got here so fast I'm astounded. But it's hard for me to think and my eyes are seeing stars and black figures moving from side to side. I might pass out with God choking me.

I hear the faint squeaking of the gates opening and God continues to walk to the edge, what's he going to do!? I try once again with no avail to get out.

"I'll give you what you deserve you little whore" with those final words from God, God releases my neck and I fall over the edge of heaven to earth.

I fall with my back to the earth. My wings are enveloping me as I not only try and catch my breath but also process what has happened in the past few seconds. I've been cast out of heaven.

That was the one thing I couldn't do. It is supposed be agonizing falling and burning up. I already start to feel the fire coursing from the middle of my back out words to my wings. I let my wings extend to slow my falling, I turn my head to look at my left wing and see the blackness spreading across the white.

I look to my right wing and the same thing is happening. My wings are turning black as they go on fire. A scream escapes my lips, it's agonizing and painful. I shift my body so that my wings have wrapped around me like a seed instead of flying out beside me.

I turn around to see where I will fall to earth. It looks like I'm headed towards the water. As I get closer falling to earth I see that there is a tiny little island. As I look harder I noticed that is almost connected to other islands, this kind of looks like Hawaii.

I can't think of that anymore as my whole body feels to be wrapped in flames my whole being starts to pulse and burn. I feel my vision going in and out as I might pass out.

I get closer to earth and I feel myself hitting the ground with the loud thump and bangs as I make a crater for myself. In the cold wet ground.

I turned to my head so my face isn't on the dirt and allow my wings to spread out at my sides. I look at them through corner of my eyes and they're still black. What has happened? And what will happen.

My wings are still convulsing with the pain and I noticed my body is shivering from intense pressure. My eyes look up and I noticed the stars, I was so much closer to them before, but I  will never be that close again. I am passing... I fall into darkness.


I hope you enjoyed, vote and comment!!

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