➳ thirty-nine

Começar do início

Sungjae nodded, "Thank you, Hyung," He said gratefully.

"It's nothing,"

"No, really, I mean, for once in your life you did something good,"

"Fuck you,"

The two laughed loudly.

Another busy day for Joy. After dropping Areum off to school, she head back straight to the coffee shop.

Same old. Same old.

Joy doesn't know if she should be thankful or angry. Sungjae hasn't show up for the past three days.

Thankful, why? Because finally, Areum and her could finally go back to their stress-free days.

Angry, why? Because as much as she hates the thought him pursuing them, wouldn't it be better if Sungjae's actually after her forgiveness? It only sink to her that she actually loved this man, let him be the father of her daughter, chose him, and yet after so many years and tears, Sungjae is still that underserving asshole, she felt disgusted.

Joy was wiping one of the table when the front door swung open, revealing a Dasom with the widest smile ever.

"Unnie!" The younger ran and bombarded Joy with the tightest hug she could do, " I missed you!!" Dasom screamed excitedly.

But Joy couldn't bring her arms to hug Dasom back. The younger's wrongdoing is still fresh in her memory.

Dasom pulled back, "Why aren't you hugging me back? You didn't miss me? And where's Areum?" She spoke excitedly, looking around the coffee shop, missing the dead look on her Unnie's face.

"Still in school," Joy answered, she didn't intend to sound as monotonous as she end up doing. It's her feelings who talked.

This time, it caught Dasom's attention. She looked at Joy's face and rather than anger, she saw how unhappy the older's expression is, "Is everything okay? Are you okay?" She asked worriedly.

"Follow me," Joy commands, leading the way to her office.

Dasom shoot a questioning glance towards Jiyeon but the latter just moved her shoulders.

Dasom closed the door and walked towards Joy who's looking at her intently, "Unnie? What is it? You're making me nervous!" She tried joking to lighten the mood.

"Why would you be nervous? Did you do something bad again?" Joy taunts.

For a moment, Dasom thought of it but there's no way Joy will know. Aside from the fact that she's sure as hell that Joy will never show Red Velvet to Areum, she already made sure to make Areum agree about not talking about her new found friends to Joy.

"N-nothing," she huffed, trying her best not to look guilty.

"I'm gonna ask you then, is there something you want to tell me?" Joy decided she's going to give Dasom a chance to confess on her own. Maybe that will lessen her mistake.

Dasom is sure Joy is implying something and she didn't like it, "Unnie, I already told you there's nothing, okay?" Dasom even laughed a little. She tried shifting the subject of their conversation to the very reason why she's there, "Anyway, can I pick Areum today? I want to take her out on a date again andㅡ"

"And meet with Red Velvet?" Joy cut her off.

Dasom's heart started to beat erratically.


The Daughter ↬ SUNGJOY [EDITING!]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora