I sighed. My head is starting to ache and spin. Not being in good terms with my lover is making me anxious. Maybe because I know Dayu will take everything if he will leave me. Those "everything" will include our children. I have no illusion whatsoever that Hua and Dao will stay with me if their Father will leave me. My children might also get angry with me and will beg me to beg their Father not to leave.

My life...really. When will this be over so I can focus on Dayu and make sure that he won't leave me again? I don't want that ever to happen again. I know what it feels like to live without my heart. For seven years, I lived in limbo while Dayu punished us both for the death of his Uncle Shu and my father. I lived for my duty for seven years. I decided to marry and have children because that was once our dream, Dayu and I wanted children and I sired Dao and Hua for us...it's just unfortunate that my wife died in childbirth. I thought I can honor our deal and give her a good life and her freedom while I got my children and Dayu to share my life with.

My life is perfect. I have my lover, my children and my job. But this conflict between me and Dayu is putting a mar on my perfect life. I swear, once Dao secured this job...I will put my focus on Dayu and restore our love and trust on each other again.

That decision made, I stood on my usual spot at the foor of the Throne Stairs. The Emperor and the Empress are on their seats already, so is the Crown Prince who smiled at me.

I respectfully bowed to Crown Prince Han. I truly wish that Dao will pass his test and that he and the Crown Prince will get along well. But if Dao will fail, I hope my son can live with the result and not be too hard on himself.

I stood quietly as generals and soldiers, most of them members of the Crown Prince's guards, went to their designated places. LuXong stood on the foot of the stair as well, across from me.

"Does our esteemed visitor arrived already, General Wang?" The Emperor spoke up. Everyone grew still and quiet.

"Yes, Your Majesty." I said with a slight bow. "Wang Dao is already on the door, with an invitation in hand."

"An invitation? Who invited him?" The Empress' forehead creased ever so delicately. "I thought we will witness the boy's resourcefulness and learn if the Palace as a weak spot that someone from the outside can penetrate."

"Well, it seems to me that there is no weakness on our Palace, my Empress." The Emperor equipped most satisfactorily. "General Wang's protective measure through this place works that the only way to come here is by invitation. But you are right, I also wonder who invited the boy..."

The Emperor gave me questioning looks. I turned those looks to LuXong who cleared his throat. "Apparently, your Majesties, the Crown Prince himself invited Wang Dao tonight."

"The Crown Prince?" Both the Emperor and Empress expressed surprised at that information. "Han? My Prince, is that true?" The Empress called for her heir.

"Yes, Mother." Crown Prince Han stood up to bow to his parents. "Wang Dao visited me this afternoon and respectfully asked for an invitation. He treated me with utmost respect so I granted his request." The young heir explained.

"I see," the Emperor eyed me again. Quietly asking how my son got inside the palace this afternoon to meet the Crown Prince. I didn't know the answer to that so I remained calm on my feet. "Then let the boy enter. It's time for his last test. After he came in, seal the Throne Room. No one from the outside should witness his last trial." His Majesty said.

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