Back to Work *Chapter 9*

Start from the beginning

"Yes, Master."

He gets up and opens the bottom drawer on his nightstand. He brings out a small knife. He comes over to me and stands in front of me. I flinch as he brings the knife to my hand.

"Sorry" he said right before he cuts the back of my hand. I grimace and the blood starts to run slowly down my hand. "Go to the bathroom and fix it up" he told me.

I nod and go to his bathroom. I wash my hand off and bandage it up. I go back to the main part of his room and he's in the same spot. I go over to him and wait for him to give me an order.

"I hate doing that" he said. He still has the knife in his hand.

"Then why do you do it?" I asked.

"Kile does it and it's not fair if some servants get punished and some don't."


He looks at me and asks, "Will you put this back for me?"

"Of course, Sir. Do you want me to clean it first?" I asked.


I go to the bathroom and clean the knife off. Then I go to the nightstand and put it in the drawer. It's filled with a lot of weapons. "Sir? Can I ask you somethiing?" I asked while staring in the drawer.

"I guess" he said.

"Why do you have so many weapons in here?"

"Safety. A lot of vampires don't like Kile, Jamie, and I because of our rich dads. They might try to come in here and kill me or one of them and having weapons right next to the bed is a good idea" he explained.

I think about that. How horrible would that be to live in fear of being killed everyday. Scared that some vampire will kill you in your sleep or ambush you when you're alone. I would hate it, especially because they would be killing because of my parents. I couldn't live like that. Then I realize I live in this house. They might kill me because of some dumb reason! I little shiver of fear goes through me and I shu the drawer.

"Are you okay?" Drew asked. I don't answer right away so he comes over to me. "Heaven?"


"You okay?" he asked.

"Yes, Sir" I answered him.

he looks at me funny and then says, "Okay."

"What do you want me to do today, Master?"

Well my room hasn't been cleaned in a long time. Could you do that for me?"

"Yes, Sir" I said. I go to the closet with the cleaning stuff in it and start to get to work. Drew watches me and I start to feel self consious. I stop dusting his dresser and look at him.

"Sorry," he said. "You're just different from other servants."

"How so?" I asked, curious of what he thinks of me.

"You're just... better" he said.

I cock my head to the side and he laughs. I smile and start dusting again.

I feel Drew standing behind me so I turn around. "It's hard to clean when you're this close" I told him.

He smiles and says, "Then stop cleaning." He drags me to his bed and I sit down next to him. "Heaven? Can I ask you about your life?"

I think about it for a minute and then nod. "Go ahead."

"Who are your closest friends?" he asked.

I smile as I remember my great friends. I miss them so much. I wonder if they miss me too, or if they've forgotten about me. "My best friends are Bailey and Jocelyn. But my bestest friend ever is Milly. I love her like a sister" I said.

Drew says, "I'm sorry."

I look at him in confusion. "Why are you sorry?" I asked.

"Because I took you away from them. You obviously care about them a lot."

"Yeah, I do" I said sadly.

He doesn't say anything and he looks like he's thinking. I don't want him feeling bad about this.

"Please don't feel bad."

He looks up at me and asks, "How am I not supposed to feel bad? I took you away from the people you love. That's horrible of me. I should take you back, so you can live your life."

"If you havn't forgotten, I ran away" I reminded him. "I knew when I made the decision to leave that I probably wouldn't see them for a while. So you didn't take me away from them. I took myself away from them."

Drew looks away from me. "Do you want to go back? Tell me the truth. That's an order."

My eyes widen. He hasn't been ordering me around like that since I passed out in his bathroom. I guess he really wants to know this. "Umm... I guess i want to go back-" Before I can finish Drew has me in his arms and soon I'm in a red camaro. "What are you doing?" I asked him as he gets in the car.

"Taking you back" he said while starting the car.

"What!? Why?"

"You said you want to go back."

"You didn't let me finish" I yelled. He doesn't answer. He just starts driving down the drive way. "Drew! I was going to say I want to go back to see my friends and tell them something about me going somewhere so they don't worry! I don't want to go back to that horrible life at home!!" I shouted at him.

He keeps driving. I growl and scream, "STOP DRIVING AND TAKE ME BACK TO YOUR HOUSE!!!!!!"

Drew looks at me in shock and stops the car on the side of the road. I sigh in relief.

"Do you really want to live with Kile, Jamie, and me?" he asked, dead serious.

"Well not reall Kile, but yes for you and Jamie" I said truthfully.

"Are you sure?"


He smiles. "Okay. I guess I'll take you back."

I smile too and say, "Thanks."

We drive back and go back to his room. I finish cleaning while thinking about how he was going to take me back because he thought I wanted to. I thought servants had to serve, even if they wanted to go back to their old lives. Hmmmm.......................

I hope you liked it :) Umm..... Oh I'm going to put a picture of Brad up so go to the link that's below this and you can see him! Okay! Please leave a positive comment for me because I want some support. it makes me want to write more! Thanks!!!

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