Chapter 45: Who am I, really?

Start from the beginning

"Let's wag!"

"What? Wag? What's that?" he asked.

"Let's cut classes! You dumb!" Chen replied.

"I don't want to. We'll get in trouble." Chanyeol replied and went back to reading his manga.

. . . . .

Somewhere only Kris know 

A tall figure of a man was seen walking down on the seaside of the beach. He was walking staright, not even caring where his feet would take him. It was already sunset and he still hasn't come back to HanNi's house. Though, he knew that they are worried about him, wondering where is he or what happen to him.

"How can I get ouf this situation? I really hate this.."

He paused and turned to look at the sun setting down. It was a good view. Kris recieved a lot of messages, phone calls and voice mails but he couldn't bother opening them. He's not in the mood.

"Guardian of the EXO Planet...." 

"Huh? I think I'm just hearing things" Kris scratched his head. 

"Flight Thaumaturge......" 

"Seriously. What is that?" he paused and stood still.

"Decide wisely.... your future and destiny are depending on your decisions. Decide....wisely.." 

"Who? What? Where are you? Are you in my head? Who are you? Come out and don't play with me!" 

"For friends are relying on your decision..." 

"What are you talking about? What kind of decision?!" Kris shouted but the voice didn't answer and it left him completely confused.

*Xhin's P.O.V* (remember Xhin from chapter 36?) 

The Dark Lord Zehturg sent me to watch over one lost sheep. And guess who is it? Yeah, one of the EXO Planet's guardian, the princess' friend, the flight thaumaturge. He was walking on the seaside aimlessly. Not to mention I'm watching from above, yeah, I'm flying.

"Who? What? Where are you? Are you in my head? Who are you? Come out and don't play with me!"

"What are you talking about? What kind of decision?!" 

I suddenly heard him shouting. Who is he talking to? Oh, let me guess, it's those voice talking inside their heads? No duh, if it's not, he's mental. I went lower and landed on the tree branch meters away from him. You wouldn't expect me to go near him, do you?

"Why does he want me to watch over this guy? There's nothing on him. He's not doing anything to destroy the Dark Lord. I should've stayed and watch over the princess instead." I sighed.

But then, the bracelet comunicator that they gave me suddenly started beeping. I touched the red ruby and my friend, Ari, his face appeared.

"What do you want, Ari? Can't you see I'm busy sitting here watching over that guy?" I said in my sarcastic tone.

"Funny. Anyways, I need you back here. I have something to show you. It's important." he said.

"What about this guardian?" I asked.

"Leave him. I have sent someone to watch over him in your place. Now, come over." he said and disappeared.

"It's probably really important. Sigh... fine, I'll go." 


Xhin arrived few minutes after Ari called. He opened the door and found him sitting on the couch, staring at the wall blankly. Ari flinch as he heard the door closed. 

"Now what is it? Don't tell me this is a prank or I'll take your eyeballs out of your eye." Xhin crossed his arms and sat on the oppsite side of him.

"I found something." Ari started.

"What did you find? Your socks?" Xhin asked.

"Dude, I'm serious. I found this box on the basement." Ari showed him the box.

"Which basement? And what's inside it?" Xhin asked.

"The basement in the laboratory. "The School" it's waht they called it. It's in our planet. Not the school here on Earth. And I saw photos of the queen of EXO Planet, Princess Jae Mah and Prince Lee Won with their babies." Ari explained.

"Babies? Wait, how many?" Xhin asked.

"There's two. And they look like twins." Ari answered.

"Twins? If there's twins, if there's two of them, where's the other one? Didn't the princess grew up with her parents as the only child? Ah wait, are they both girls? Identical? If they are, probably there's two of them and because they are identical, we don't know who's who...right?"

"No. I don't think so. They're twins, but, they look identical twins but.. they're fraternal twins. One boy, one girl..." Ari said.

"WHAAAT?! IDENTICAL?! GIRL & BOY?!" Xhin's eyes widened as Ari just nodded in response.

". . . . . . . OH! By the way, Ari.."

"Uh? Hm?"

"This is just to me, okay? But... you have the same hair colour as her." Xhin said.

"What? Who?" Ari asked.

"The princess. And one more thing, why don't you remove that mask on your face? It looks ugly! Do you know what fashion is?" he complained.

"I can't. It's stuck on my face." Ari sighed.

Who the heck am I? I don't even know how I look like without this mask. I don't know where I came from. I don't know why I ended up here. I don't know who I really am... 



Another late update!! Cheosonghamnida!! Sorry! I tried gathering my idea but nothing came up! So I started reading manga and graphic novels and I gives me alot of ideas! ^^ Again, really sorry!



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