Chapter 9: Telekinesis

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Hey guyth!! I had fun at my graduation and dinner dance. It was the best day of my life! i'm soo going to miss all of my freinds in primary school.. and thanks for being patience  :)



After you found out about the FROST THAUMATURGE, which is Xiumin, you, Tao and Xiumin were hanging out ALOT lately and the other members notice it.

"Those three had been hanging alot lately. Are they really that close already?" asked Baekhyun.

"Maybe... but something is not right. Something's up." said Kris curiously.

"Huh? What do you mean hyung?" Suho asked Kris.

"Yaah! Kris hyung, don't think bad about them, maybe they're just friends." Sehun shouted to Kris.

"CLOSE friends you mean.." D.O added.

When D.O said that, everyone fell silent. They were all thinking about you three, Tao, Xiumin and you (Han Ni). They are not doing this because they hate seeing you three together, but, they're just jealous. You were always (well..most of the time) hanging out with Tao and Xiumin, they also wanted to hang out with you too since you are their only girl - friend.

"What about..following them?" Chanyeol suggested.

"Follow them? Why?" Lay asked.

"Why do have to follow them? They're just friend aren't they?" Chen said.

"Yeah, right. What if they found out about this?" Kai asked them.

"Won't Han Ni-ah get angry or hate us for following them?" Luhan said a bit worried.

"Nooo! She can't hate us! Chanyeol hyung, please cancel your suggestion. please~" Sehun begged Chanyeol with aegyo.

"Sehun, she won't find out about this or they won't..if you keep quiet." Kris said.

"But-  " Sehun didn't finish what he want to say and was cut by Suho.

"Okay. Everyone is in right? We are just going to follow them and nothing else. And don't tell anyone about this, especially Xiumin and Tao." Suho instructed them.

"OK! Gaja!" Everyone agreed.

Sehun did not say anything or complain about it. He just accept the fact that you were going to hate them. After your third class in the morning, it was break, you went to find Tao and Xiumin, and the game starts..

You three started walking down the hall, talking about stuff when the 10 of them secretly, sneakly and quietly following you three. At first, you started hearing some light footsteps and whispers but you just ignored it and continue walking.

"Xiumin-oppa, is it just me or I feel like someone's following us?" You asked Xiumin.

"I don't think so...I don't feel anything." Xiumin replied.

"Same.." Tao said.

"If you feel someone is really following us, just tell us, ' K?" Xiumin comfort you.

"Arasso." You replied to him.

Tao went to the vending machine to get drinks for you and Xiumin. While he's waiting for the drinks to come out, he saw a shadow ran across the hallway.

-Tao's P.O.V-

"Did I just saw a shadow? or it's just a person running really fast?" I asked myself.

Miracles [EXO FANFIC] {HIATUS}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora