Chapter 70: The Revelation

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"We gotta help her too!!" Minjun shouted.

"Aargh!!" They turned their heads towards the direction where the came from and found Seth pulling out his sword from an enemy.

The sneak attacks continued and the army closed in, giving them no breaks while protecting the portal. As time goes on, the portal gets smaller but entering it now would be too risky if they are followed.

Yuhan shoots enemies accurately until an enemy came up behind him. Taken by surprise, he turned around and pointed his gun to shoot but the enemy got his right eyes before he shot him.

"Guh.." he fell back clutching his bleeding right eye.

"Yuhan?!" Minjun noticed.

When Hyun noticed, he went on a killing spree, taking revenge for his comrade. "You shits hurt Yuhan's eye! I'm going to kill all of you!"

*huff* *pant*

He glanced to the guy beside him, "how are you holding up, prince?" Seth asked.

"..." he heard but went for another kill.

Not the talking type, eh?

"Better than you." HanGyuk suddenly answered.

"Eh? Oh.. I see." Seth laughs.

Suddenly , the portal changes colors and violently started sucking in things around. They halt and turned their heads as it grows bigger..and bigger.. much bigger. Enough to engulf the entire battlefield.

"Huh?-- AAAAHHHH!!" Hyun was swept in the portal.

"What's happening ?! Minjun! I thought this was the work of your people!" Seth yelled.

"I thought it was! I don't know what's going on either!" He yelled back and was then suddenly got sucked into the portal as he grabbed Seth's sleeve.

"Eh-- haaaah?! He-hey!! Let go of me!" HanGyuk struggled to keep his feet planted on the ground as Seth went to grab the hem of his shirt.

"S-sis!" HanGyuk shouted as he put both arms around her from behind.

"Huh?" Her eyes widens in surprise but couldn't react in time and all of them suddenly ended up on the other side.

Darkness and nothing else but darkness filled the entire place as HanNi slowly started to regain her consciousness. She opened her eyes and started feeling her surrounding, hoping that the others are with her.

Where are you guys..

She panicked. Producing an orb of light, she stood up and looked around her. Surrounding with stone walls, HanNi made another light ball to go around and finally found the others lying unconscious on the ground.

"They're fine. Still alive. Just asleep." She sighed in relief.


Quickly turning her head to the direction she heard it from, feint footsteps got closer and closer until suddenly, someone covered her mouth and the light disappeared.


" quiet." Seth's voice was low and quiet as he whispered in her ears.

Calming down as she felt completely safe with Seth, the footsteps stopped and disappeared. As soon as it's gone, Seth released her but still holding on to her tightly.

"There was definitely someone there... you can tell right, princess?" He asked.

She nodded her head although she can't see it, "but where are we and who was that?"

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