Chapter 36: VIP SaeRyun

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The man in coat walked towards me. I stepped back as he stepped forward. The feeling I'm having on him is different, not a human feeling. He stopeed and removed his hat. My eyes widened as I saw his face. He looked at me and smiled.

"I finally found you!" He exclaimed.

"Do you know how hard it is to find you in this planet? I went through things just to find you! Earthlings mistook me as a suspicious guy. They thought I was someone like a mafia and something! Just because I wore a coat and a hat, I'm a mafia? Earthlings are so judgemental!" He whined like a kid.

"Well, who told you to wear a coat and be suspicious, Jung?" I crossed my arms on my chest and let out a small giggle.

"But I researched Earthling's fashion before I came here. And this style caught my attention." He pouted.

"Don't pout like that. Just wear normal clothings. No need to wear coats. You're not in the Head Quarters anymore." I said.

"What kind of clothing?" Jung asked.

"Shirt, pants, long sleeves, jackets, button-ups, shoes, shorts? Those kind of clothings. Have you ever seen any of those?" I smirked.

"Ofcourse I have! I've researched them and even tried one out once before!" he retorted.

"Whatever you say, Jung. And.. I'm at school. I can't accompany you for now. You need to find somewhere to hide until school finished. I promise to visit you at break, okay? I need to go. I'm going to be late!" I exclaimed and ran to my first class.

The class started and the teacher unexpectedly gave us a test. None of know that we are having a test. But luckily, I have studied all the questions that was included in the test. While scribbling answers on my paper, a silver-ish butterfly landed on my  table. I took a closer at it and found out that it was remote control butterfly and thought of someone, Jung. 

There was a paper stuck on it's wing. I took it out and read it.

Where am I suppose to go? Are you finish now? Can you tell me where to get earthling's clothes? 

I sighed and replied to him by using telepathy.

Go somewhere where no one can see you. I'm not finish yet. And I'll bring you mall after school. Just wait for few more hours, okay? I can't focus on my test. 

"Time's up! Please pass your test papers to the front desk and you can go to your next class." The teacher announced.

I stood up and gabbed my bag and went to my next class. While walking to my next class, I heard a voice talking but I couldn't tell if it's talking in my head or I'm just hearing things. I walked a little faster, but something made me stop.

"You can never get away from me...." it says. I looked around me and found no one. My heart started racing. I started running to my next class, but it seems like it's too far away. I couldn't reach it even though it's just 20 metres away from me.

"No... this can't be.." I muttered.

"You can't run away.... Just wait and see... I will come and kill you! Mwuwahahahahaha!" the voice laughed evily which gives me shivers down to my spine.

"Who are you?! Show yourself!" I demanded.

"Why, oh why.. I thought you're the most powerful thaumaturge? Then use your magic if you want to see me. Haha!" 

I looked at both of my hands, it started glowing, so are my eyes. But then I thought that I'm still at school. I can't let anyone see me use my powers. I calmed myself and used my telepathy powers instead. I can't sense anyone's presence around me. And it hit me. It's an illussion. This is an illussion. Don't get carried away. This is just a illussion. 

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