Chapter 58: For you to see I'm falling in love

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After visiting the twins' parents' grave, they went and drop off SaeRyun to a childcare centre, bid goodbye to Yuto and went to M.I.D Academy. HanNi had just parked the car when she received a text message from Baekhyun. She unlocked her phone and read the message. 

【Baekhyun: Where are you right now?】

                                                                                                                 〖School. Why?〗

【Baekhyun: With who? You have afternoon classes?】

                                                 〖Yeah. I've missed quite a lot. I'm with HanGyuk.〗

【Baekhyun: Oh.. 】

                                                    〖Anyways, you haven't answered my question.〗

【Baekhyun: Never mind.. 】

                                                               〖Okay...? Are you sure its not important?〗

【Baekhyun: Are you free tomorrow?】

                                                                            〖Heh? Um.. I don't know? Maybe.〗

【Baekhyun: Then, want to hang out? I mean, no,
     I just finished composing my song I created. Wanna
     hear it? 】

                                                              〖You composed a new song? Will that be
                                                                   in your upcoming album?                         〗

【Baekhyun: No. Just come by and hear it okay? 】

HanNi replied with a 'yes' and put the phone back into her pocket. Walking side by side with Hangyuk, she started thinking if its right to just bring him to school and enroll him without even his consent.

"Guuhh... I'm starting to feel bad now.." she sighed.

"There is no need for you to feel bad. You're only doing this for me, right? So it's okay." HanGyuk said.

"Eh? did I say that out loud? Wait.. you read my mind again didn't you? Waah! Gyukkie you're such a bad kid! I always prevent myself from reading yours and you just freely read mine.. aye sheesh *sigh*" she sighed and slightly punched his arms.

"That didn't even hurt. Punch me a little harder if you want revenge." he said with a straight face on.

"Hmp! If I punch you harder, your arms will be crushed, y'know! I'm not an ordinary girl after all!" HanNi crossed her arms and pouted cutely.


In EXO's practice room, as you would have probably guessed, the boys are were panting heavily as their sweat could easily be seen on their shirt. (mehehe *le byuntae thoughts* XD) They collapsed on the floor as they tried on catching their breathes.

"Hah..huh..waah.. it's been a while~" Sehun panted.

"Our body has gotten used to being relaxed that why its a little more exhausting when we dance today." Suho said.

"Yeah..Oh, are we finished now?" Baekhyun got up and asked.

"Yeah..for today. Good job everyone." Xiumin said.

Baekhyun walked out of their practice room and headed towards the recording studio to practice his new song. As he sang along with the piano, all the thoughts of one person started rushing in and he couldn't stop smiling. He looked like an idiot. 

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