Chapter 71: Brother

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"That little..goodness.." Seth brushed off the dust on his clothes and walked over to HanNi.

"Seth!! Let's follow him! J-Jun..! W-we should.."

Before she could even finish her sentence, Seth put his hands on her shoulder to calm her down. "Princess, I don't know who he is but please, let's calm down?" He whispered.

"Sis?! Where are you?! There you are!" HanGyuk came out of the dark and jumped onto his sister. Embracing her tightly, hands trembling.

"I'm fine. I'm glad you guys are awake."

"Sorry to interrupt but, I just received an order from the headquarters." Minjun pulled a device out of his many pockets and showed it to everyone.

"From..Elkni? Isn't he.." HanNi spoke, her words were cut off by Yuhan's interruption.

"Pardon my rudeness. Since we know that for certain that we are back in our planet, it would be easier for us to get back to the base and report this, isn't that right, Captain?" he glanced at his captain who was now intensely observing the walls around them.

"Yes..that is correct. Hm...strange." Minjun knocked the rocks before a smirk formed on his lips.

"Get back." he ordered.

Without any hesitation, he stuck a mini grenade on the wall and destroyed it. Clouds of dust and crumbling rocks surrounded them as they finally made an exit out of the mysterious place. As they opened their eyes, the whole area swam in the sea of mist and fog.

"I knew this place was named the Dark Continent but, I didn't expect it to be exactly 'dark' in that kind of sense. Eeeurrg! So creepy! Brrr" Hyun pretend to shiver in cold as he his behind Seo.

"Dark Continent...that must mean Zehturg's castle is somewhere here. It's dangerous." HanGyuk held his sister's wrist firmly while thinking about how to get out of the island.

"HUH?! Zehturg's castle is here somewhere? Then aren't our lives in danger right now? We don't have a backup or whatever, I don't even think we can fight them off if we coincidentally bump into them, and besides, our device's signal is really bad it's impossible to call a ship to pick us up." Hyun exclaimed.

"We'll find a way. Down there, at the bottom of this mountain, there's path that leads to the dark forest over there. Assuming that the fog is very thick and few abnormalities occurring within the forest. I guess this is our only way out." Yuhan turned and sighed.

"If there are no other plans, then, I will go with you." Seo stood beside him.

"I apologize but, we will not take that path. You can go ahead and take it." HanGyuk held HanNi's hand and started to drag her away, facing the different direction.

Silence took over as the others stared in confusion. The heavy atmosphere surrounding the whole island has gotten even more heavier and hard to breathe. Everything they see has the smell of impurity and evil. Just before the two got further, Seth grabbed hold of HanNi's other arm, stopping them.

"I'm afraid I can't just let you do that, sir." he spoke.

Minjun's eye's widened, "Lord Seth!! Please do not be rude to him. He is the prince of Exorian Kingdom."

"It is only a title. No matter how much you explain it, he hasn't done anything for this planet, as a prince. But please do not worry, I'm not going to argue with titles. I cannot simply leave the princess's life in your hands without telling us what you would exactly to get out of this place." finally settling down, Seth calmly asked HanGyuk for their plans.

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