「Chapter 1: It's A New Day」

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⚙Updated version⚙

HanNi arrived at her family's holiday house in Seoul one afternoon. After finally deciding to live on her own after her uncle took her in upon the passing of her parents 12 years ago. While she now lives away from them, she is still very thankful that she was treated as if she's their very own daughter and was loved equally along with her cousins. While HanNi's parents were alive, it has been arranged that she will be named as the heiress of the company once she finishes her studies. As she is the only child, all other properties under Park Industries shall become hers, as well.

Upon her arrival, HanNi was greeted by an eerie silence surrounding the whole land. As it has been empty of people for a long while, specs of dusts , weeds and dead vines had started to make their way up on the once white walls of the mansion. The door creaks open and she stepped inside to see the same arrangement of the furniture just as they left it the last time her family was here. Memories of her happy times came flooding in and she could not help but be sentimental while looking around the house.

Her little legs moves at a quick pace as she makes her was to her parents at the dining area. Skipping and giggling happily.

"Mummy! Let's play outside!" the little girl tugs on her mother's cotton dress. The mother replied with a playful smile as she took the girl's tiny hands in hers.

"Alright sweetie, just wait a moment because daddy is not ready yet. Let's wait a bit more, okay?"

The little girl puffed her cheeks and pouted, getting impatient as she watches her father fix himself in front of the mirror. Unable to wait any longer, she run to where her father is and started tugging his pants, attempting to drag him. To no avail, he did not move.

"Daaaddyyy! Let's hurry, pleeaasee~" she whined.

Her father let out a contented laugh and pick up his daughter, smothering her small face with loving kisses and occasional squeezes.

"Of course, sweetheart. Sorry daddy took so long. Daddy just want to look good." he lets out a heart laugh followed by the mother who hooks her arm on his free arm.

"Daddy! Mummy! Let's go to the park! HanNi want to see Han River and, and, HanNi wants cakes!" she cheered in her father's arms.

The parent's exchanged satisfied glances, "Not too much sweets today, darling, okay?"

"Uh-huh!" HanNi sang happily.

Having to bring all my things from my uncle's house, there wasn't much considering that I still go back and forth the main house if I needed something, I realized that I have only brought a suitcase and a backpack in which I will use once school semester begins. Before arriving, I had people check on the house's electricity and water to make sure nothing will go wrong once its back and working again.

As I stroll around the mansion, I noticed the portrait of my parents and I hanging on the wall while it collected dust throughout the years it was left untouched. Uncle had suggested to have this place cleaned every month after the death of my parents but I was afraid people will touch, rearrange and maybe even damage anything left of my parent's memories in the house. I was scared that I will lose those last memories I had thus why I refused my uncle's suggestion in which he happily dropped.

I stepped into the room I used to stay in when I was younger and see the little changes it has over time. The glowing star stickers stuck on the ceiling, the pastel blue paint of the walls, the empty closet and the bathroom. The room was considerably big for the little me but it has grown smaller now that I have grown big enough to not fit on my old bed. The hired cleaners arrived sooner than expected and had finished cleaning the entire building before the dark skies fell.

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