Chapter 5: Idol Friends

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-EXO's P.O.V-

"Hyung, she's pretty" - Sehun

"Yeah..She's stunning" - Kris

"Her eyes are so's like shining" - Lay

"Her hair...brown, silky, healthy and long" - Suho

"She's....just....a....girl..." - Luhan

"Her perfect. legs...are-" - Kai

"Ooohhh...her eyes..she'll be much more prettier if she wears eyeliner" - Baekhyun

"Her face though...her cheeks..I want to pinch it. >.<" - Xiumin

*blush*- Chanyeol and Chen.

"I can't say anything....she's words can describe her" - Tao

"Guys..stop it. You might scare her. And stop drooling too. You'll freak her out. Show some example as the people she admire guys." D.O said sounding like mother towards Han Ni and the guys.

-Your P.O.V-

"Uuhh...guys..?" I waved my hand infront of them and touch their faces and they started to move again. *sigh* This is not what I was expecting from my idols.. -_-

"Annyeonghaeseyo~ I'm Park Han Ni. Nice to meet you" I said

"Annyeonghaeseyo!" They all said in unison.

After that, the bell rang and head back to our own classes. In my class there's D.O, Baekhyun, Chen and Chanyeol. So I walked with them back to class. Sehun, Kai and Tao are in the same class. (maknaes). Xiumin, Luhan and Kris are in the same class, while Suho and Lay are in the same class.

We got back in class just before the teacher arrive. We did maths then science and language. I'm currently studying Japanese and English, I can already speak a bit of Chinese and I think I don't need to be fluent on it?

The teacher ask us to speak any language that you can speak or currently learning. I chose English for that. When it's my turn, the whole class stares at me. Including Chanyeol, Chen and Baekhyun but not D.O, he's giving the class the 'Please don't stab her with your stares' look, but I just ignored it and started speaking.


〚Hello, My name is Park Han Ni, in english they call Hannie. I'm new here in Seoul and Ehm Ai Dee Academy, so please take care of me.〛


Everyone claps including D.O, Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Chen.


I went to the school's canteen and buy lunch, 'cause I didn't make my own lunch. After getting my lunch, I saw the boys ordering their lunch and I looked for a spare table where I can eat my lunch. Then suddenly..someone bumped into me slightly. 

"Uuh..Mianhae-" the guy said

"It's alright, don't worry" and I look at him and saw Kris.

"U-uh-uh...Han..Ni, w-was i-it? Kris sluttered.

"Uh, Yes" I stretched my hand out for a handshake and he stretched his too.

"YAH! Kris hyung, over here!" Sehun called.

"HanNi-ah! Over here! Come eat with us!" Chen called me

"Yeah, coming!" Kris and I said in unison. We smiled at eachother and went to the table.

Miracles [EXO FANFIC] {HIATUS}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя