Chapter 42: Competition Part 1

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She'll sing Naui Yetnal Iyagi (My Old Story) by  IU. The music started playing as we listent to her voice. 


The crowd fell silent and so did the judges as the music started playing. Her calm and soft voice filled my ears. I closed my eyes as I listened more of her voice and opened it up again to see her expressions. 

She was standing still on her spot and her hands move on beat. I know the song that she was singing is not a happy song or any romantic song. It's a song of someone's old story. She looked out in the crowd, seems like she's looking for someone. Then an almost un-noticable tear fell out as she sang the last part or the song.

I was mesmerize by her voice so I stood up and clapped for her. It is calm, but it has a meaning behind it. She's missing someone. 

"Ohh yeah~ that is our first contestant, Miss Choi Lin Seu. Please give her a round of a plause everybody!" Suho started. 

"Choi Lin Seu. Can I just call you Lin Seu? Okay~ Lin Seu, what class are you in?" asked Baekhyun.

"I'm a first year, fresh man. Class B-2." answered Lin Seu. 

"That was a really good performance. Even our judge stood up because of your outstanding voice! Congatulations! Say... why did you choose that song?" Suho asked. 

"Related to your life or something?" MC Baekhyun added.

Lin Seu took a deep breath before answering. "Uhhm.. yes. It kind of relate to my situation right now. And... I just wanted to express my feeling through singing because I thought it would make me feel better." 

"So singing makes you feel better? How are you feeling now?" MC Suho asked.

"I'm feeling good now." She smiled. 

"Well, that's good! And now.. can we hear some feed backs from our judges? Luhan?" MC Baekhyun asked.

"Choi Lin Seu.....uhh... how do I say it? Your....your.... your voice is so calm. And the way you sing that song has some kind of different vibe... different feels into it. It's really good." Luhan said. 

"Kris? Can we hear yours?" MC Suho asked.

"Miss Lin Seu, just like what Luhan hyung said, your voice is so calm. I didn't feel any nevousness when you're singing. If you're not nervous while singing, the out come is more that great. Your good!" Kris gave her a thumbs up. Lin Seu smiled and bowed to him. 

"Chanyeol. Please let us hear yours too." MC Baekhyun said.

" looks like the hyungs already said what I wanted to say. But, there's one thing I really want to say to you besides saying that your voice is calm. It really is. I swear.  Next time, you should make eye contacts to the audience or to us judges. That way, we can see that you are really confident of what you are doing. Overall. Daebak!" Chanyeol clapped his hands and gave her thumbs up. 

"Lastly, HanNi, can we hear your feed backs to our first contestant, Choi Lin Seu?" MC Suho asked.

"Of course, I would be glad letting you hear my feed backs. Miss Choi Lin Seu, my oppas already said what I wanted to say, but, really, your voice is so calm. When you started singing, I thought I was hearing an angel sing! You're really daebak! And you said that 'singing makes you feel better'? I too, singing or doing my favourite hobbies makes me feel better. Lin Seu yah~ I wish to hear more of your voice~ Congratulations! Good luck~!" I gave her two thumbs up.

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