Chapter 11: Light

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Sorry guys for slow update... 

BTW, here's the new chapter. ENJOY. It's gonna be a LOOONG chapter..



-EXO's Dorm-

Clothes, shoes and socks scattered everywhere in EXO's dorm like someone lazy enough to clean the house or even just pick it up. The kitchen is clean, no spots, smudges or anything except the kitchen stuff. All the bedrooms are messy including the living room. 

EXO came home, tired and exhausted from practice. They just walked in, took their shoes off and throw their bag somewhere in the living room. When Suho saw that, he told them to pick their stuff and clean up.

"You guys should learn how to clean and pick your own stuff, ya know" Suho told them.

"But hyung~ were tired...we don't have time to clean up" Sehun whinned.

"Then... I will not treat you bubble tea.." Suho threatened.

"NO! I'll clean and pick my own stuff. The hyungs can get their own." Sehun said.

Sehun started cleaning up his stuff and did his own laundry. When Sehun was putting his clothes on the washing machine, Baekhyun's wallet fell from its pocket. Sehun picked it up and looked inside to see what's in it. To his suprise, he saw a picture of Baekhyun and a girl when they were little.

"I'm guessing, this boy is Baekhyun-hyung, but who is this girl next to him?" Sehun wondered and put the wallet in his pocket to give it yo Baekhyun later.

After Sehun puts all the clothes in the washing machine, he walked back to the living room looking for Baekhyun. He found Baekhyun laying on the couch watching tv when Sehun called his name.

"Baekhyun-hyung!" Sehun called.

"What...?" BAekhyun answered.

"I got something for you~" Sehun said in a cute voice.

"What is it? Something cool? A new set of eyeliner?" Baekhyun asked.

"Aniyo! It's your wallet, I found it on your pants' pocket when I'm putting the laundry..." Sehun said.

"AH! My wallet!" BAekhyun screemed in happiness making the other members came running out of their room.

"What's happening?" Xiumin asked.

"We heard Baekhyun screemed..what happened?" said D.O.

"I found his wallet and gave it back to him, then when I gave it back to him he just screemed.." Sehun explained.

Everyone looked at eachother in confusion then looked at Baekhyun who is hugging and kissing his wallet. They stared at him until he stopped hugging and kissing it. Then they all sat down. Chen spoke.

"You screemed for just a wallet?" Chen asked.

"It's not just a wallet, it's something inside the wallet.." Baekhyun answered.

"Then.. what's this 'something' inside the wallet that seems so important to you?" Tao asked.

"It's probably his money. He won't be able to buy eyeliner without it.." Chanyeol teased and everyone starts laughing.

"It's a picture of me and a special girl from the past when I was 5. " Baekhyun said and showed them the picture of him and her.

" Why don't you put a new picture of you and her? Instead of that baby photo." Kris said.

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