Another Chance Book III- Chapter 1, A Journey Begun

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Once back at home Bella went into the kitchen and put on a pot of tea. She was a little surprised to hear about Denise but knew that whatever could be done to help her would. She took a moment and asked the Creator to bring healing to her mind and her heart in His mercy. Bella made her tea and made a mental note to let the family know at worship tonight that Prince had transitioned. She decided to make a light salad for lunch and then to make Lamb Chops for dinner. She would add Au Gratin Potatoes and a Tomato and Cucumber salad to the Chops and some sweet potato pie for dessert. She thought that she would ask Uncle Henry and JR over for dinner...he had done so much to make the family gathering a success and she remembered he loved Lamb. Just as she was preparing to go by her Uncle's to extend the dinner invitation, Amiir came home. He had gone to the gym to work out and clear his head and was going to be around all day until they went to worship. She asked him if he would like to join her in salad with some hot rolls...and he said yes. She told him about the plans for dinner and he said he would pop over and invite them while she was making lunch. She said great and set about making their salad. Amiir returned just as the rolls were heated and she set them and some softened butter on the table along with their salad bowls. Amiir washed his hands and they sat down at the table. Taking her hand he said grace and they enjoyed a pleasant lunch together. Amiir cleaned up the kitchen while Bella seasoned the chops with Garlic Salt and Lemon Pepper and set them in the refrigerator so that the seasoning would get into the meat. She shredded the cheese for the potatoes and set in into the refrigerator and then sliced the tomatoes and cucumbers and added some rings of onions also. She then poured vinegar and oil into the bowl sealing it tightly and put that in the refrigerator as well. Bella told Amiir she felt a little tired and thought she would take a short nap. Amiir said that she must have been reading his mind and said he was going to do the same. She went into her room, took off her pants and shirt and pulled on one of Prince's tee shirts and laid down. Her last thoughts were I love and miss you my Prince and with heavy eyelids fell into a deep and restful sleep.

Prince's POV

Prince had waken up about every four hours and was taken to the Savannah lady who breast fed him. He liked the way she felt and smelled but most of all he liked suckling at her breast as she sang to him. The singing reminded him of something that he remembered with great happiness. It had been a different lady that had suckled him and she had a different but beautiful smell. The suckling made him feel different too. For some reason as he nursed it was this other lady that he kept thinking of. He looked up into Savannah's face. She was pretty. Light brown skin with dark brown eyes dark hair and a very nice smile. But when he looked at her eyes, he remembered eyes that were almond shaped and for some reason he became a little sad. He closed his eyes as he finished nursing and whimpered a little and then went back to sleep after having been burped. When he woke up he was back in the bassinette and Sandalphon was there by him. He sent a thought of hi to his Angelic friend and was rewarded with a big smile. He wondered where his other friend Michael was and as he thought of him, Michael appeared and tickled him under his chin before taking his position next to the bassinette. The man named Royal came into the nursery and signed some papers and said something about bringing the car around. It seems they were leaving the hospital. One of the nurses dressed Royal Jr. and wrapped him in two blankets. Another nurse picked him up and took him back down the hall to Savannah who was sitting in a chair that rolled. She took him into her arms and the nurse rolled them onto an elevator. The moment they got into it , Royal Jr. started to cry...he did not like elevators he decided! As soon as it stopped , and they rolled off of it, he stopped crying. Royal Sr. had pulled up the car...and he got out and held the baby until she got into the front passenger seat. Royal then handed Royal Jr. to her while he put a blanket into the car seat in the back. He then put his son into the car seat and strapped him in. He was facing the back seat but could see out of the back window. Michael and Sandalphon were right there and waiting for the car to take off. And it did...things had really changed in 175 years, the car took off into the air and flew home! Royal Jr. watched out of the back window and the remnants of a melody came into his mind with words...Meet George Jetson. He tried to sing it...but all that came out were sounds that seemed like cooing sounds. "Did you hear that Savannah asked? It sounded like he was cooing". Royal looked over at her from the driver's seat and said "he is only 1 day old and too young to coo". Savannah rolled her eyes and said "well he did and I think he is very advanced for his age". Royal now rolled his eyes and continued to drive until they came to their home.

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