Near Death *Chapter 8*

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"I'm sorry" is all I can think of to say. I look down at my hands and start playing with the blanket.

"Hey, I decided to take you to the hospital. It's my fault so don't feel bad" she said, looking up at me.

"Okay. So when can I get out of here?" I asked.

"Well the doctor has to look you over and if we promise you will stay in bed, then you can go home today" Jamie said.

"Alright. Can you call the doctor? I want to get out of here."

"Sure." She gets up and walks out of the room.

I sigh and think about my nightmare. It was really scary! Drew attacked me! Kile killed all me friends and Drew might have helped him. Yeah, it was only a dream but it freaked me out as much as it would if it did actually happen.

I realize I'm trying to rip the blanket apart and let go of it. I wouldn't want to have to pay for that.

Jamie walks back into the room and a man walks in behind her. He walks over to me and gives me a fake smile. I can tell he likes his job.

"Hello Katie" he said.

Did he just call me Katie? I look at Jamie and she nods her head as if telling me to go along with it. I don't get it but I do what she wants.

"Hi" I said.

"So you're feeling better?" he asked.


"Okay. Well I'm just going to check you over and make sure you are good enough to go home. You must rest for at least two days, not counting today. Okay?"

"Okay" I agreed.

The doctor said I could go home, so Jamie and I are walking out of the hospital and into the parking lot.

I look at her and ask, "Why did you tell them my name is Katie?"

"Before Natasha left, she told me to give them a fake name just in case people are looking for you. It's just a precaution" she explained.

"Okay. But I'm sure no one is looking for me" I told her with a frown. My parents don't care enough about me to report me missing.

We don't say anything and I follow Jamie to the black BMW that Kile and Drew drove to get me.

"Can you drive?" I asked her.

"Kind of" she said.

I sigh. "Give me the keys. At least I'm old enough to drive" I said.

She hands over the keys and we get in. I've drove before but I don't have my permit or liscense. i drive away from the hospital and go where Jamie tells me to. Soon we are at a huge three story house. I never saw the house from the outside, but it's pretty fancy.

I shut the car off and Jamie and I don't move. I think we are both waiting for the two guys to burst out the door, ready to kill us.

They don't, though.

I look over at Jamie and she looks at me.

"I guess we go in" she said.

I groan and open the door to the car. As soon as we are out of the car, Kile and Drew open the door to the house. Jamie and I stand in front of the car, waiting.

"She's still alive? Good. Now I can kill her myself" Kile hissed. he's in front of me in a flash and I flinch as I remember the last time he wanted to kill me.

"Leave her alone Kile!" Jamie yelled at him. "She needs rest. So I'm going to take her to her room and you two will leave her alone" she told both of the boys.

I'm a Kidnapped Runaway!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt