#26: He finds you dead (For Madison) (H.P.O.V)

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Months I've been on tour now, promoting my new album, for months now I had been missing Madison, I missed her touch, how she held me, how she made me feel, that's why I was looking forward to coming home today, to see my princess, don't get me wrong, I love the fans, but my heart belongs to her and always will do.

The tour bus pulled down my narrow street which I lived on, the closer we got to my front door, the more overjoyed and happy I was, I couldn't wait to see her. The bus stopped outside my house and I walked out of the lounge area, making my way through the pizza boxes on the floor and utter rubbish that we had all dumped to the floor.

I came to the steps and made my way down quickly, I said thank you to the bus driver and made my way to the glass front door.

I struggled to find my keys in my pocket as I rooted deep into my black jeans, I placed my suitcase down beside me and used both hands now, I found my keys and quickly placed them into the keyhole of the front door, usually Madison would be waiting at the other side, but she wasn't this time, I couldn't see her through the glass, I couldn't see her anywhere, I quickly opened the door and walked into the house, my heeled shoes making loud noises as they smashed against the wooden flooring.

"Madison? I'm home!"

I shouted throughout the house, but no reply came, not a sound was made.

"Madison? Baby?"

I walked around the house, it looked like it hadn't been touched in days, there was no washing up in the kitchen, the blankets on the sofa weren't messy, nothing what so ever.

'Wheres Madison?'

I thought to myself, I started wondering where she could be, had she left me? had she fell somewhere and I didn't know?

I quickly made my way up the spiral staircase and walked towards the bathroom to have a look is she was in there, I looked into the cream, tiled bathroom, nothing had been moved and there was no sight of Madison, I rubbed my forehead with my freehand.

'What the hell is going on'

I said out loud, I was confused, she was fine 3 days ago, and now, nothing. I walked into our shared room, I placed my suitcase onto the king-sized bed that we shared, that's when I noticed our walk-in closet was open.

My heart started to race, I walked towards the closet slowly, daring each step I took, I peeped my head around the corner of the closet, to find a body lying on the floor, Madison's body lying on the floor.

I ran over too her and kneeled down beside her, blood was pouring from her cracked open forehead, I placed my hand on her back and started to shake her.

"Madison, baby? please wake up, please, wake up, I can't do this without you"

I placed my hand onto her forehead to stop the bleeding, she was cold, cold all over like she had been this way for a long time. I panicked, she wasn't going to dye on me, I love her, I would do anything for her.


I shook her more violently then before, tears now rushing down my face like a waterfall, my eyes becoming red from the amount I was crying. I placed my arms around her and cradled her in my lap, protectively holding her, I looked down at her, her eyes still open, my tears hitting her face as I placed my hand over her eyelids to shut them, I was gone, I didn't want to let Madison go, why did I have to go on that stupid tour?!, I could of saved her if I was here, but I wasn't and now she's gone and it's all my fault. I was in a battle with myself and right now, I was losing.

I called the ambulance and they arrived within 20 minutes, they came into the closet and took her out of my arms and into a stretcher, they zipped her body up and took her away, I cried, curled up on the floor not wanting to be moved, it felt like my heart had been ripped out and I couldn't stop the bleeding.

My life will never be the same without her, she was my light, my angel, my soulmate, and now she's gone. Police say she fell and hit her head on the floor, I didn't care, all I knew is that my world would never be the same again.

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