#18: Baby kicks for the first time

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Gerard and I were strolling along the park that was near our house on a Sunday afternoon, it was hot with a breeze, it was paradise.

Gerard's hand was placed on my lower back, hooking my waist, while my hand was on my growing baby bump, rubbing it gently.

Gerard had become more protective of me since I had become pregnant, the pregnancy wasn't planned, but  we were ready, we have been married for 3 years and we had already talked about a family, he would constantly ask me if I was okay, if I need to sit down and so on, don't get me wrong, I found it flattering and very cute, he just didn't want to miss a thing.

"Are you okay Y/N? do you want to sit down?"

He looked at me with happy eyes as we got to a little lake filled with ducks and benches, he flickered from my face to the bump, then to my face again. I had felt a tad tired from walking, so I decided I would sit down

"Yeah, me and baby are getting a tad tired now"

I said to him, looking at his face, Gerard placed his hands on your small bump and began to smile, I knew this baby would be the making of him.

"Oh and please could you get us an ice cream tho? only a small one? I'm craving it" I gave him the puppy eyes as he rolled his eyes and kissed me on the forehead.

"Anything for you and plus 1 baby"

He said while he walked away to the ice cream van.

I said down on a bench under a tree where the shade would protect us, it also had a beautiful view of the lake with the ducks and swans, I turned around to look at Gerard, he was being served at the counter, until I felt a big kick coming from my bump, I quickly put my hands on my bump to protect myself, I hunched over a little thinking how it hurt, but also how amazing it was. I didn't want Gerard too miss this moment.


I shouted at the loudest I could across the park, with a few others staring at me. Gerard saw me clutching my bump and ran over to me, I had never seen him run that fast before.

He came over to me out of breath and placed his hands in mine, concern in his eyes

"What's wrong? Is it the baby? what's wrong with the baby?" He sounded terrified, he looked at the bump throughout this. I placed his hands on top of your floral dress and our baby kicked again, his eyes lit up as he felt it.

"Did you feel it? It's amazing isn't it?"

I said to him with amazement in my voice, he placed both his hands on my bump and whispered with happiness in his voice.

"That was the best thing I have ever experienced, that's out child in there Y/N, we created a baby, that's just made it even more real, did it hurt?"

Gerard was still looking at my bump as he said all of this, his hands still pressed to the spot, wanting it to happen again.

"Only a little, I can deal with it though, plus, it's worth it."

I smiled at him as he looked up at me, he placed both of his hands onto my cheeks gently and drew me in for a light kiss on the lips.

"Thank you for giving me a chance to e a parent, thank you for being everything I could ever want"

He smiled at me again and pecked my lips one more time. He bent down to my bumps level and placed his hands on both sides.

"Hey baby, I'm your daddy, be nice to mummy, don't kick her too hard now"

He rubbed my stomach and then returned to his normal height, I was nearly in tears from the scene, he hugged me and let me go.

"I'm just gonna get the ice creams now"

He walked away again to get the ice creams as I sat back down on the bench, I could tell he was going to be a brilliant dad.

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