#25: Decorating the baby's nursery

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I was now 7 months pregnant, me and Gerard hadn't really thought about the theme of the nursery for our baby girl ,we had the room in our house prepared, but just not the actual themed nursery, until today.

Sitting on the floor with my legs spread out in front of me, having the laptop between them, I stretched my arms out and searched on the internet looking for cribs and other items for our baby's room, we had decided to go with the theme of hearts, to show that everyday she will be loved.

"Gee, would you rather have a white crib or a pink crib?"

I looked up at Gerard who was now stood on ladders, drilling shelves into the wall. He stopped what he was doing and looked down at me.

"Well, what does the pink one look like and what does the white one look like?"

He started to come down the ladders to have a look at the cribs on the laptop screen.

"Come and have a look, it's just, I don't know, plus I want us to do this together, you know?"

He sat behind me and placed his head onto my shoulder to have a better look at the screen, he then placed his thumbs onto my lower back and started a circle motion to help with my back pain, he always knew how to ease the pain. I placed the pink one on the screen first and he looked at it closely.

"I know Y/N, I know, and we are doing it together, also, I think I prefer the white one, it goes with the white walls with a boarder of pink hearts, I think a pink crib and a boarder of pink hearts around the room would be too much you know?"

I giggled at him, I never thought that he was into colour schemes etc, he placed a kiss onto my neck and I smiled at the sensation of his lips onto my skin.

"Okay then, the white one it is, she's going to love her little room Gee, so much, I can't wait until she gets here"

I placed my hands onto my large and rounded stomach and smiled downwards towards my bump , Gerard placed his hands on top of mine and whispered

"I can't either baby, she's going to be the most loved baby girl in the world, I'm so excited"

I felt a small kicked from my stomach under mine and Gerard's hands, I gasped and looked down

"I think she wants to come out now as well Gee"

I laughed at him, a small yawn escaped my lips, I took my hand from under Gerard's and placed it over my mouth. Gerard stood up from behind me and came round to face me, his red hair dangling in front of his pale face as he smiled at me and placed his hand out to help me up.

"I think it's time for you too lie down Y/N, I think it's time to stop anyway now and continue tomorrow, it's pretty late, also I don't want your back ache to become any worse by sitting on the floor"

I placed my hand in his as he helped me up and , basically, walked me to bed, I placed one hand on the bed to help me up as I lay on my side facing towards Gerard, who was now on his knees at the side of our bed, his face was facing towards mine, I could feel his breath we were that close.

"I just need to finish putting up these shelves beautiful, and then il come back to bed, don't forget, if you need me, shout me and il be with you within a heartbeat okay? Goodnight my two favourite girls, I love you both"

He placed his hands onto my stomach and give my bump a small peck, before coming to give me a kiss, his cool hand on either side of my hot face, it felt nice to have coldness on my face. He walked out of the room and turned off the light, he closed the door so I wouldn't hear the noise.

I fell sleep listening to Gerard's humming of songs in the next room as he drilled away, I could tell he was was going to do anything for our little angel.

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