Book II-Chapter 19, Countdown to Creation Song

Start from the beginning

So she kissed his lips and let her fingers drift over his hand on his shaft. She did it again and his hand started to shake. Then she wet her fingers with her mouth and slowly ran them down the underside of his shaft along the vein. He groaned aloud. "Bella please rub it, please rub me" his voice said and his eyes pleaded. She touched the tip of his dick in a circular motion with her index finger. Within a minute or so pre-cum had covered her fingers and now she did the same to the tip with the palm of her hand. Her hand was literally wet now and she began to rub his shaft with her whole hand. He began to push his hips up and down encouraging greater speed of movement with her hand. He then wanted to suck her titty again and he did. His breathing became rapid...and he said "Bella, I want, I need to it okay"?. He stopped sucking her and looked up into her face and eyes while still moving his hips and enjoying her rubbing his big hard dick. She smiled at this beautifully strange man of hers and said yes baby you can come. "Can I come on your belly"..."yes baby you can". He then took his hand and put it over her hand and moved it even faster and as he did his breathing became ragged and he said "I love you Bella...I need you Bella" and then it was just "oh Bella, oh Bella, oh Bella" and then he got up on his knees and his body began to shake almost violently and he came on her belly. As he came holding and rubbing his dick, he rubbed it in his cum on her belly and in her naval which excited him more and he came even more. Bella was really hot and rubbed herself a bit while he was ejaculating...and then he collapsed on her and started nuzzling her neck and her ear. "I love you Bella" he said and fell asleep and so did she.

When they woke up, Bella got up and so did Prince. She went into the bathroom, washed her hands and then went back into the kitchen to make the Frittata. She heard the shower turn on and knew that Prince had gotten in it. She poured a cup of coffee for herself and dressed it. Taking a sip she began to prepare the Frittata. She heard the shower turn off and wanted to have the Frittata on by the time Prince came into the kitchen...she got it started and then poured him a cup of coffee...he came in just as she was adding his two sugars. She handed him his mug and he gave her a gentle and sweet kiss on the lips. "Wow Mama, you take real good care of your man. Thank you for this morning. I was about to lose it". "You are welcome my love". He looked at the Frittata and said yum. She made some toast in the toaster buttered it and then removed the Frittata from the flame. Prince set the table, got out the orange juice and they sat down. He blessed the food and they ate. Once they had eaten, he said he would take dish duty so that Bella could shower. She did and then they both finished dressing discussing the plans for the day as they did. Walks with Jesus were suspended until after the premier of Creation Song so were the meetings with Mary. There had been so much to do and they had been running like crazy. But today...things would be slower until an hour before rehearsal. Prince and Bella were meeting the lighting guy and were going to run through the lighting cues for the entire performance including the dance segment. He would actually perform them tomorrow at the Dress Rehearsal, but they wanted to be certain he was comfortable with all of the lighting cues. Prince wanted to just spend time with Bella and relax until then. She was all for that. Once she was dressed, she changed the sheets on the bed saying wash sheets, so that those that she had just stripped would be fresh, clean and folded in the linen closet in a few minutes. Bella's hair had grown since she had arrived in Paradise. She pulled it back and up into a pony and then loosely braided it. She pulled tendrils out in each temple and then putting on a little lip gloss she went out and sat on the sofa next to her beautiful, strange, mad genius. She chuckled out loud as she thought of the newest knick name she had given him. As she sat down he put his arm around her and gave her a peck on the cheek. He had been thinking about the day that they had ridden out to the lake...their relationship had moved to a new level on that day which meant a lot to him. He was thinking about something Bella had told him and that he had wondered about since. "Bella, do you remember the day we biked to the lake", he asked? "Of course, it was one of the most meaningful we have ever spent together", she said. You told me that you had only known me as an entertainer until later in your life. "Yes baby, I did". "What did you mean by that? I wonder because no-one male or female has ever known me or gotten me the way you do".

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