Chapter 67

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Are we accountable for the choices we make?

Their happy voices still resonates in her head and prompts the edges of her mouth to curl up. Lola keeps reliving the moment where they sang, shouted and laughed as they shook their bodies. That had been one of those rare moments they had been free with one another. Within that hour, her worries had been swept away, her fears dampened and for once in many weeks, nothing held her back from freedom. Joshua's voice had been as horrible as hers yet they found hilarity in them. The neighbours had been disturbed and they pretended not to know, laughing secretly at the misery they would be feeling. Everyone had one way or the other disturbed the peace of the compound. They should bear with them for the first time. All these happened on a karaoke night Lola organised. She liked how free they were jumping and singing, her heart full of laughter and joy. And she was grateful she had that moment with Joshua.

Lola smoothened the invisible creases on her lavender colour dress. She smells just like the colour of the dress, a subtle scent on her neck. Her eyes roved through the room occupied by almost fifty guests. Everyone's dressed in designer suits and dresses. Few danced to the music of the live orchestra, and many in little groups of twos or more conversed with their glasses of expensive alcohols in hand. The charity event was the organizer's way of showing off her new interior and elevate her status in the society. Her mother had been invited but she was unable to attend and told Lola to go in her place. Lola sighed, euphoria zinging through her. This life, she cannot give it up for anything. She loves its luxury and comfort. But it is not perfect. There are a lot of glitches in it. Money, she learnt the hard way, does not solve everything but it gives you peace of mind to an extent. You do not have to worry about your financial needs.

Her eyes kissed his across the room. They were fixated upon hers as he spoke to the plump, potbellied man before him. The intensity at which they looked at her tingled her skin, flustered her heart yet worried her. She could read so much in them than she wanted to. Bringing Joshua along to the elite charity event turned out not to be a bad idea. It was something she did out of....out of what? She had no idea. His smile was returned with a little curve of her mouth before she looked away to observe the art on the wall. That should worth a lot of dollars. Millions perhaps. Stealing that can change someone's life from wretched to noble. She lifted her champagne flute to her lips embraced in matte lipstick. Joshua's ability to read her mood leaves her in wonder. There are times he tries to invade her privacy, know the reason for her bad mood and ask questions he should not and she was good at shutting him away at times like that. She will tell him everything. One day she will. It might not be in a little while but it will happen.

He gives a lot and she got little to offer. He appreciates her and she does little of that. He knew material things would not fuel her joy so he has been creative in what he gifts her. She can do the same. Right? But how? The last time she did such was five years ago before that man ripped the peace out of her life. She had given a lot, trying to have a fairy tale love all for nothing. Most of her life have been lived with insecurities and trying not to attach herself to any man. She had been careful not to have her heart broken and not to offer much to the man in her life because the end result would always be a heart break. She felt, at a point in her life, that she was missing a lot. Her friends had love and she knew what she saw. People who loved without restriction. There was nothing holding them back. And she thought, maybe there are good men out there. Someone who will not leave her broken. When Anthony came along, she gave him a chance hoping he would change her perspective about love. How naïve and stupid of her. Lola drowned the remaining content of her glass when a text came in from Anthony: I miss you. Come over.

Her pulse stuttered. Anthony from being her prince charming became a living nightmare she want to get rid of. Can her mother just do something quick? She had promised she will find a solution and ensure she is left unhurt and Anthony will rot in hell. It's been two weeks which is a very long time and nothing has been done. She had called her mother in moments she felt her secrets would be exposed, times Anthony had found a way to break her and moments she felt she was losing the remaining sanity left. Her mother had assured her she was doing something about it. The sudden riot in her stomach was upsetting and left her in discomfort. Doctor Ben prescribed stronger sleeping pills for her. She marvels at their ability. They make her sleep well, until sometimes, she rises from another nightmare. If her mother does not act fast then she might have to deal with this in her own way. But how?

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