Chapter 32

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After her phone call with Lolu who had not helped but worsened her mood and problem, Lola sat on the bed in her hotel room and moped over her problems. No one was ready to help or listen to her or understand why she had to run away. Everyone was angry because she had not informed them she was leaving the country. "You could have told me" Was what they said. Her friends, Kiki, Osas and Adeola had said the same thing and were livid at her which just struck her anger too. She could not get Haseenah. Haseenah's number was unreachable. She had not heard from the lady in months now. It's either her number was not reachable or it was switched off. The worse was her mother had beaten her.

Tears welled in Lola's eyes as anger rose in her blood. She was way too old for such beating and that old witch called a grandmother had been pleased with everything. A tear rolled down her face. She did not want to cry again but her emotions were taking the best of her. She needed somebody to understand her. She hated the admonishment she got from everyone. Her phone started to ring and she picked it up after taking a look at its bright screen.

"Aunty Dammy" She sniffled into the phone, wiping away a tear that slipped past her tear gland.

"Lola dear" The soft voice called. "What's wrong? Sarah called me and told me what happened. Are you alright?" The gentleness in her Aunt's voice had her breaking down. No one had spoken to her that way since she arrived.

"Aunt" She sobbed out, warm liquid rushing down her face. "No one is trying to understand me"

"Oh dear. Poor little thing. Where are you at the moment?"

"In a hotel on the Island"

"Will you come over? Or should I come there to meet you?"

"I will come over"

"I will be expecting you"

The traffic jam on the way had been the reason behind her delay to her aunt's house. Aunty Dammy had stepped out with Michelle by her side when Lola drove into the compound. Michelle had come to spend few days with their aunt. She was an event planner and there was a wedding coming up the following weekend. It was easier to meet the bride, a spoilt and extremely choosy bride who reminded Michelle a lot about her cousin, Lola. They might have both agreed on colour purple for one thing and the bride is calling few minutes after she had left that she wanted blue, a shade of blue Michelle was sure does not exist. The bride was her first client whom she knew formed colours on her own. "I want jealousy blue" she would say. When you ask her which colour was that, she would go on and on describing it. "It's lighter than powder blue but not as deep as turquoise blue".

"Hello cousin" Michelle threw her slender arms over Lola's neck. "How are you?"

"Managing" She grumbled.

"I am pissed at you" Michelle pulled away. "Why did you run away? We were all so worried. You could have told me. I will never....."

There was a quick rush of anger. Michelle was saying the same thing. Lola felt what she had been trying to hold in erupt. "Enough! Enough Michelle! Just stop it!" She shouted, her voice loud and laced with fury. "What's wrong with all of you?" She gnashed out, with an accused finger pointed at Michelle. "You could have told me. You could have told me. It's what you all tell me. Don't you understand? I wanted to be away. The whole marriage thing was choking me and I needed to get away. Running away was the best option I had in order to avoid getting married to that good for nothing. Will you all just put yourselves in my shoes and stopped been self-centred? I hate all this!" She screamed, then stormed into the house.

Michelle watched the entrance after Lola had walked in. She could not believe what had happened. What's wrong with the girl? She blinked her eyes, the look of disbelieve on her face. "God, what's wrong with her? Lola has finally lost it" Michelle hissed out, let out an "ugh" then went inside.

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