Chapter 58

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Anthony had his tensed back to her. Veins stiff like cord stretched under his skin and with every second that passed, his grip on the reading table got firmer. His voice howled across the room, word coming out through his gnawed teeth. Lola clutched the blanket she held to her bare chest. Her shaky hand twitched against her chest, the muscle in her jaw stiffened due to the tautness of her teeth. What's wrong with him? Her breath grew hot.

"I gave you countless missed calls. You refused to pick because you are enjoying being in the arms of another man!" He barked as he spun around.

A vein pulsed in Lola's head. She flicked her narrow eyes at him, the brown of her eyes darker, shooting icy brown chips at the man before her. The other hand on the bed clenched the bed sheet that been removed from the bedpost from their love making.

Is that the reason he had called her to come over with a threat lingering in his words? He had said if she does not make it to his house, he would ruin her. She knew better than to let him do that to her. Not when her relationship with her husband has started to progress. Prison is also the last place she want to be. She loves her freedom at the moment and she can't trade it for anything. His love making had been painful. He was nearly choking her and fear caught her throat as a sense of déjà vu washed over her. Five years ago, he had done the same thing. She whimpered under him, begging him to stop but he just pounded harder until she cried. A malevolence sparkle shone in his eyes at the silvery tears that ran down to her earlobes and he just laughed. When he got off her, she tried to get a grip of her miserable self as she sunk into self-pity.

"I thought you were busy at first" He continued. "Then it became frequent. When I saw you last night in his arms, his hands running all over you, touching you the way I should be, oh Lola" He trembled as shivers ran down his spine at the infuriating imaged of Lola and Joshua entangled together on the kitchen worktop. "I lost it. I hated that sight! That should be me and not him!"

"You are been so stupid at the moment, Anthony" Lola growled, letting go of the blanket to get out of bed. "You knew I am a married woman before you thought of blackmailing me" She reached for her clothes on the floor. "You had an idea of what you were signing for and forcing me to do with you"

"Do not tell me that bullshit! You did not like him! You had no feelings of whatsoever for him!" Then he paused, his eyes studied her as she drew her black dress over her body. "Are you developing feelings for him?"

"That's none of your concern" She fired at him, sweat glistening on her forehead. The muscles in her chest contracted. If she does not get out of here soon, she might kill the bastard before her. His blood is the last stain she wants on herself.

"Then why are you not answering my calls?"

"Because I don't want to, damn it!" She screamed. She had tried to hold it in until she leaves but this man is increasing the burning inferno in her with the way he's acting. "You are becoming a thorn on my skin!" She clenched her hand into a fist, her manicured nails digging into the tender flesh of her palms. "I have told you countless number of times. Do not call. I will give you a call. I am not going to allow your foolishness blow this affair" She took a step towards him.

He was still rigid with anger and every wave that emitted from him could be felt. His breathing raged. The rise and fall of his body did not go unnoticed by her. "I am the one in control in this relationship and not you" His cold eyes met hers.

She laughed. Oh God, what has she gotten herself into? "Tell that to someone else! If you want this thing going on between us to last until....." She paused. I can finally find a way to get rid of you forever. She thought. "I don't know. Maybe until you get tired of me or until he finds outs, then stop calling me!"

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