Chapter 15

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Oh God! What has she done?

You killed her

Look at blood all over her

She is mad


Timileyin! Timileyin! She is not getting up! She is hardly breathing! You guys should pick her up!

Lola has gone mad!

They stayed away, many stayed clear of her however gazing at her with frightened eyes. She had not known what happened. She just did not know how it happened. Blood was all over her, she realised and the girl laid lifeless on the floor. What happened to her? Her hands, they trembled dripping with blood. The same blood splattered over her blanch face. A drop rolled down her cheek unto her stained school uniform. She shuddered with confusion. Her wide eyes scanned the blood that dripped from her hand. It ran over the floor that pooled with red. Her breathing came out faster, her heart pounding. What's happening to her?

Again, she saw the massacre cat. Blood. Blood all over her. Her parents' confused look. Her siblings terrified faces. The worry in her mother's eyes.

"Madam!" a voice called but it sounded distant. She drowned in the dark part of her life. "Madam! Madam!" the person shouted jerking her out of memories.

"Yes, what?" she snapped her head at the voice.

"Are you alright ma?" Sukanmi asked.

"I....I....." She stuttered. "Oh God" her shaky hands ran through her hair. She detested giving away what's wrong with her.

"You don't look alright? Is something wrong, ma?" he went over the table to meet her. His worried eyes watched her face. He noticed how pale she had turned and the sheen of sweat on her face.

"No, nothing is wrong. What can I do for you?" she smiled at him. He studied her face. Her smile was tentative, forced.

"This came in for you" he gave her a doubtful look as he placed a box on her table.

"What's that?"

"I don't know but a man delivered it" He lifted the box and kept it in front of her.

"Thanks, I will check it"

"OK" he turned to leave.

"Sukanmi" she called him back.

"A call came in today actually two" she got to her feet. "Both clients wants us to photograph their wedding ceremony. The thing about it is they are happening the same day including the introduction except the bridal shower, and rehearsal night. One of them have a pre-wedding party" She came out around the table. "They both have pre-wedding photo shoots in different locations" she exhaled. "That following Saturday, one of my grandmother's friend's grand-son's wedding is happening. His bride contacted me yester night. A friend of my father also want me to take pictures of his niece's wedding"

"That's a lot and busy week ahead"

"Yes" she smiled folding her hands over her chest.

"So what are we going to do?"

"We are dividing ourselves into two teams. You and two apprentices will be a team. I and Adesua, my brother, Samson will be a team. He is good with the camera" the thought of Samson gave her a smile. "Stella, Umar and Chima will help us out" she trailed off thinking about who to gather together.

"Alright ma'am" he beamed.

"A couple have a shoot by five. The location is Bar Beach. They met at the beach so they want their photo shoot to be at the beach" She rolled her eyes. Love story sucks. "I will get home late because I want to look around and get pictures of people"

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