Chapter 9

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He felt her tensed nerves eased below his grasp. The smile he had on still stayed on his face. She exhaled taking her arm from his gentle hold. She flipped back her hair then looked at him with unresponsive eyes.

"Then what should I do? Jump at you with joy?" she fired before striding away.

"Interesting. I knew we would meet again but this was the least of all scenarios I had thought about" he hopped next to her, keeping his hands into his pockets out of habit.

"Who let you in?"

"You should know something about a dinner" He raised his hand to quote the word dinner. Shock had flickered over her eyes but disappeared with the same speed it came with. She shot his impish face a pointed look.

"You do not seem like someone who is here for a dinner" her eyes smeared with just winged eyeliner scanned him. He wore jeans and a T-shirt with leather sandals. With her eyes, she could tell he worth nothing. His clothes seemed like those you get in Yaba market for nothing more than a thousand naira or less. Adeola, a friend of hers, had called them bend down select. He grinned sheepishly. "You should be in the wrong place"

"Well, I am not and I am ready for this dinner. Where is it?"

"I do not believe you" she took a step forward suddenly apprehensive. "Tell me" she pointed a manicured finger at him. "Who are you? A beggar?" He felt insulted yet he still kept his expression cool, lively and friendly.

"Joshua but call me Josh. That's my name" he held out a hand. His hand had not been taken so he pulled it back with an awkward grin before shoving his hand into his pockets. Idiot! She had not asked him that "You seem displeased to see me again but I am happy to see the damsel again. Oh" he gasped out. "You changed your hair. Last time you had this long braids on" he demonstrated how long the braids were. "You look gorgeous" he eyed her from her hair to her mustard yellow midi dress and her flat sandals.

This was what she dislike about him, his talk. He talks too much. Meeting him again whipped an anger she felt that night into her body. What kind of man does not know when not to talk and when to talk? He just talks on and on until he bores hers. He was quite a charmer. She harked back to that night at Tarkwa Bay. He had charmed ladies and nearly charmed her.

"I did not get you name that day. What is your name?"

"It is best you leave before I call the security to throw you out. You are trespassing someone else's property" she grinded out.

"Egbon" a voice called. They both whipped their heads to the sound. A teenager stood next to the patio doors. She glanced at her grinning brother then the displeased woman. "When did you arrive?" she ambled closer to them.

"About few minutes ago" Josh replied, his grin never leaving his face.

"You are late. Maami's worried" She pointed out slipping a hand over her brother's arm without acknowledging the lady next to him. Lola huffed then turned to leave.

"You see Orekelewa, I told you I was in the right place" he called after her.

Lola frowned, her lips twisted. She let out an angry hiss as she walked out on them.

The dinner which had once been quiet became a place booming with laughter after Josh's arrival. Sarah was charmed, cooing and squealing at any little thing he did. Her grandmother was pleased and also captivated by this stranger she met during New Year's Eve at Tarkwa Bay. Her nephew and nieces were open-mouthed when he did some nonsense he called magic. He pleased her grandfather and father with his knowledge in accounting. He had her brothers' and brother in law's heart due to his knowledge in football. The only one he had not please was her mother.

The Silence WithinOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant