Chapter 5

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The following day, Lola had woken up to a very busy morning. Once again, the family had woken up early like every other week. Her siblings, Samson, Sarah and Mofe had rushed to prepare for school after morning devotion. Taiwo and Kehinde who had no school to be at since they had a break from school were still in bed until Cynthia had woken them up with a jug of cold water for morning devotion. She had ranted about how she won't accept their ungodliness in her home.

During breakfast, Damijo Kola-Daisi had brought up the talk about his granddaughter's marriage. He was the sole owner of BTK oil and one of Africa's most wealthy men. His second son, Richard, was married to Cynthia for about thirty two years. This time, the marriage talk was for Lola.

"I am in the mood for a wedding, Aralola" he said over breakfast.

"What do you want me about that?" Lola said with a piece of boiled yam in her mouth. The old man's eyes smiled at her before glancing at his wife, Rebecca, who was seated on his left. Richard had not raised his eyes from his plate. Cynthia understood that attitude. Both father and son had spoken about it. She peered her eyes at him.

"Bring a man home" Rebecca chipped in.

"Marriage is the last thing on my mind, grandma" Lola replied her grandmother. "And a man does not pop out of anywhere. Or do you want me to go out there and just bring some random guy?" She rolled her eyes.

"I want more great grandkids"

"You should be saying that to Miracle" she shot her Miracle a glare over the table. "He is older" she grumbled. "He should get married before me"

"I have plans before marriage" Miracle said.

"I also have plans so I am not ready as much as you are not"

"You despise marriage that's why?" Tenny said. She gave Tenny a pointed look.

Tenny and Kenny were identical twins with different attitudes. The older twin, Tenny, was more outgoing, outspoken and pompous. Kenny had a friendlier look, talks more and almost reserved.

"By the way, you have married grandkids. Tell them to give you more great grandkids" Lola continued.

"We are having visitors on Friday night"

"Why?" Cynthia asked looking at her mother in law.

"It is my father's request" Richard replied, looking at his wife. Her brown eyes, sharp like a needle, pierced through his eyes like ice. "He invited them"

"Why?" Cynthia questioned looking at mother, father and son.

A smiled formed over Damijo's face. Beneath the glasses, his eyes sparkled. "They are called the Erinosos. Family to an old friend of mine. I just want to meet up with them after a long time"

"Are you sure that's what you want to do dad? I have a feeling there's more to it" Cynthia peered her eyes at the man. Damijo gave a hearty laughter.

"I mean no harm, my dear. It is just a simple dinner"

A simple dinner, Cynthia thought. She does not believe him but she shall seat back and watch what happens.

"So, Lola, do you have a man in mind?" Richard asked his daughter.

"I got no one in mind!" The reply came out brusquely as she scrolled through her phone. No one saw the sigh of relief Richard exhaled and the way he relaxed into his seat.

"Dammy found another guy. You can meet him on Saturday and........."

"I am not meeting anyone. I did not go to the last blind date Aunty Dammy set for me. So, don't try to convince me to meet another man"

"I have a man in mind for you" Damijo grinned sheepishly at her.

A silent storm had begun inside Lola. She wanted to scream. She was not interested in anything called marriage but her storm continued within her. Her appetite had gone and the food in front of her was the last thing on her mind.

"He is a nice and young. Someone you would like. He....."

"Enough!" Lola roared out, rising to her feet. "I said I don't need a man!" She barked sweeping her plate off the table. The plate of unfinished yam and fried egg bounced across the massive dining table, pieces of yam and remainders of egg flying around. Her siblings froze while her mother watched her with worry. "For how long do you need me to tell you the same thing" She stared at her grandparents with wide eyes, sparking with rage and a silent warning. Her chest heaved up and down at the roaring fury in her "I am not interested and that's final."

"But Lola...." Rebecca started.

"I will take my leave" She walked out leaving behind the clicking sound of her heels and a much tensed atmosphere.

"Are you satisfied now?" Cynthia icy tone cut through the strained atmosphere. She stood up and shoved an accusing finger at Rebecca.

Rebecca sat back in her sit. "What have I done this time around?"

"Can you just mind your business? You are too old for all these shit you are involving yourself into. You need to be in bed resting. Will you stop forcing her into what she does not want?"

"I am not forcing her. I am just worried about her future"

"Her future?" Cynthia stepped out of her seat. "You are not even her mother"

"But she is my granddaughter"

"Then if you care so much about her, respect her decision"

"We have to encourage her. She has not been in a serious relationship since what happened five years ago. She just plays the man then leaves him. She needs to...."

"Don't you dare bring that topic up or I will rip your tongue off, you old hag! You know how sensitive she is to that yet you bring it up all the time. Are you daft? I am sure you can see well to know she does not like that topic. It infuriates her"

"That's my mother you are talking" Richard spoke, looking at his wife.

"Oh" Cynthia twirled to her husband. "Then tell your mother to mind her damn business and leave my daughter alone and as Lola's father, can you just act sensibly for once and stop adding to Lola's problem" She gave both mother and son a disgusting look then left the dining room, leaving a tenser atmosphere in the wake of her retreat.

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