Chapter 30

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Despite it being the second smallest country in the world, Monaco is full of grandeur and awe. It rests on the alluring French Riviera and is led by the prince of Monaco. Monaco stretches over two hundred acres of land. Regardless of its size, it had made up for what it lacks in style. Monaco is the kind of place Lola loved to be. It's glamorous and sensational, just what she loved. It gave her the chance to mingle with rich and famous, enjoy the flamboyant lifestyle.

Lola arrived to Monaco during the early hours of the morning. Due to jet lag, she had slept immediately and woken up sometime in the afternoon. After getting something into her stomach, she began her tour.

The first place she visited was the Oceanographic Museum. It sat on the legendary Rock of Monaco, overlooking the ocean for more than hundred years. It was founded by Prince Albert I, great grandfather of H.S.H. Prince Albert II. Three aquariums are present. They are homes to creatures of the sea like sharks, turtles and shellfish. The aquarium in the basement house about four thousand species of fish. Lola took a picture of the museum from a distance and had enough photos of different species of fish she found fascinating. After an eventful tour at the museum, she visited Casino Square where she had dinner in one of the finest restaurants and shopped in one of its luxury stores for something to wear to Monte-Carlo Casino.

Monte-Carlo Casino is one of the world famous casino. It is situated in the centre of Monaco, watching over the famous Casino Square. Lola rented a Lamborghini which would serve her as a means of transportation during her stay in Monaco. She parked her car among other expensive cars which were an insinuation of the showiness in the grand building. In a midi black dress, she was stunning. Her voluminous hair framed her flawless face which she had carefully applied subtle makeup on. When she started to walk, her heels clicked, body swung from left to right, gently and sensual. She sauntered as graceful as a ballerina. When she stepped into the marble atrium, it's lavish style and art work blew her away. Twenty eight onyx columns welcomed her into the gaming room. There are different gaming rooms that are decorated in a variety of theme. Lola halted, exhaling hard as she wore her best smile. She looked at the glitz before her. It was where she belong, amidst the rich and famous. Everything glistened. The men dapper in suits and blazers and women in their best dresses of silk, lace and satin. She was not an exception either. She headed to the slot where she met a French guy. The moment they laid eyes on one another, marked the beginning of another exciting game.

The following day, she visited the Palais du Prince, the official dwelling of the prince of Monaco. It is known as the Prince's Palace in English. It started as a fortress in the twelfth century but fell into shambles over the centuries. She met the French guy again in the court yard made from three million pebbles that take shape of a symmetrical design. He was staring at her. Her eyes lingered on his for a while before she looked away. The night before, at the Casino, he had been stealing glances at her and she had caught him but no one spoke even when they sat on the same table, next to one another, gambling. When he won, which had shocked him because she had been the player, Lola had gotten up, threw a seductive smile over her shoulder then left. Now, she was outside the palace, watching the changing of the guards and he was there, looking at her. She saw him by the corners of her eyes, hidden behind dark Tom Ford shades, as she took pictures of the palace. He walked up to her when she toured the blue room of the palace, a pleasant merge of outstanding blue and gold. After striking a conversation with her, they headed for the throne room.

St. Nicholas Cathedral, Monaco's first cathedral was built in the thirteenth century and demolished in nineteenth century. Today, the church is known as the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception. The cathedral is the final resting place of former princes of Monaco and also the resting place of Grace Kelly. The church is known as a quiet beautiful place. Lola's new fling, Arthur, had been there with her.

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