Chapter 29

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Osas was his junior in secondary school. He was two years ahead of her in class. She had been a first year student when they met. She was a cute little girl, weeping under the staircase because it was her first day at school and she was yet to like it. He could still remember those eyes, filled with tears, looking up at him as water dripped from them. Her dark lengthy hair had been divided into two and tied into two piggy tails. She was hairy, very hairy. Her hair, with its root dark and tip brown due to the bleaching agent in relaxer, poured past her small shoulders. It was one thing that fascinated him and drew him to her.

The sudden shout of a man startled him out of his thought. He jerked, nearly turning around to see who had done that. He realised he was standing inside the warehouse. It was massive. He can't call it large but extremely massive. He could have stopped, looked around in awe and smile at Osas's success but he does not want attention, a thing he never liked.

Men loaded a truck with goods that needs to be delivered. Cartons of Coca-Cola products were thrown in the air. It get caught in the air by the man at the other end. Another man throws it to the man by the truck before it was arranged into the truck. Osas was a distributor for different drinks. She sells any kind of drink from the most expensive wine to the cheapest soda and gin. There were sections for sodas, champagnes, wines, cognacs, brandy, whisky, gin and other kinds of drinks.

Osas had told him her office was in the first floor on his left. He needed no one to tell him before he journeyed up the flight of steps. He met her receptionist who announced his arrival before he went inside.

"Welcome" She greeted him with a wide smile.

There was something sunny about her smile that had him grinning back. She stood by her big disordered desk, a hand on the phone. She was bent slightly to the side, a posture that enhanced her hips, enhancing her gentle curves.

"How are you doing?"

"Great" She beamed. "I have been expecting you. It's been a while since you called today" She held out a hand to hug him. It was brief, a thing done out of friendliness but the innocent contact had quickened his heart.

"I had a place to be at urgently" They drew away. "You have done well for yourself. This is a massive warehouse. How many years now?"

"Since I gave birth to Esosa. Please have a seat" she said as she sat down.

"I am proud of what you have become"

"Thanks Senior Jafar" She teased. Both bursted into laughter at the memory. Back at secondary school she calls him Senior Jafar. It was the school rule that juniors include senior to their seniors' names. But now, they were mature, whipped by life and successful.

They got into business. Jafar had come to order drinks for his cousin's upcoming wedding. The wedding was in two weeks. They needed a certain brand of drink for the event. They had come to a conclusion and Osas had said the drinks would be delivered two days to the wedding if that would be convenient.

"How about six days to the wedding? There are other events before the wedding like the pre-wedding party, kamu and all"

"No problem. You will get them" She scribbled down on her note.

"You should come" He said out of the blue.

"Where?" She looked up from her note.

The familiar feeling rushed back. A sense of déjà vu hit him at the same time. She had looked at him the same way when he had told her twelve years back to follow him to his graduation party. He could see the teenager then. The girl who had gazed at him with shock in her wide eyes. She had not expected him to ask her. Many students had thought the girl he will go with would be Teniola in commercial class because they were so close, many thought they were dating.

The Silence WithinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora