Chapter 54

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Many had lost their lives in the ghastly motor accident that happened along Lagos-Ibadan express road. A tanker filled with petrol had fallen and that had led to an explosion. A number of thirty cars got burnt. A school bus had been involved. People had died and the video she watched was how human body parts are packed inside a polythene bag. Blood had been spilled. People wailed and shouted.

Lola shut her eyes. This had happened sometime during the day when she was all but busy thinking about what outfit to wear to a family dinner. At that time, people's heart bled. Many lives were lost and she was in a safe cosy place thinking about nothing but dinner. On the Whatsapp status of her friends was #PrayforNigeria. First it was crises between Fulani herd men and some people then Jos crises and now a ghastly motor accident. Will Buahri's regime ever get better? In her heavy mind, she prayed for her country.

She went through her phone to call Osas. She has missed a call from Osas and that had happened when the drama began in her grandfather's house. What a way to end a happy family dinner? Pelumi just had a way of ruining her family's happy moment. And her grandmother, that woman had been one of the main reason behind her parents' cold marriage. The old woman favours the bitch a lot. Lola imagined her mother still fuming with anger and her grandmother hurt from her mother's hateful words. It was not the first time both mother and daughter in law had fought. It was one of the plenty times so it was nothing new.

Lola stared at the phone screen for a while before leaving for the bathroom. In the bathroom, a bath tub full of water waited for her. She had poured soap into it and on the surface of the water, foam danced. Humming, she slipped the robe off her body and stood in the middle of the large bathroom. She glanced at herself in the mirror which caused a smile to form over her lips. With the beauty she was looking at, with that delicate sensitive skin of hers, she would pass for a L'Oreal advertisement. Still please with what she looked at, Lola picked a hairband from the wash basin. She had forgotten it there in the morning. One swoop of her braids in a hand, she slid the band through then prepared for a relaxing bath after putting on a shower cap.

Holding her panties in hand, the sight of red against white caused a quick rise of fury within her. Really? Does it have to be now? She hissed letting the white silky material drop on the floor then slid into water. She would tend to the stain on the panty later. There was no sign. She closed her eyes. There had been one. The fullness in her breasts and slight ache. Only if she had paid attention but the week had been so stressful for her to think about how late it had been. It was two days late. She clicked her tongue. Was she the only one who found menstruation frustrating? The mood swing, the restlessness, the feeling of nausea or sickness that came at times. Menstruating was like been partially pregnant. There was no need to think. What she had to do at the moment was enjoy the coolness of the water.

Joshua was a cultist. That was one thing that rang in her head. He had killed. He had spilled blood. He had taken lives. He had been godfather to some guys who were no different from him. In University of Lagos, he had created fear in people's heart. He was the don. Many men worshipped him. The past stories she had heard of cultism in Nigeria had been filled with terror. How heartless had her husband been? Her night had not turned out to be right. First, Anthony called her then Joshua revealed he was once a cultist and a family drama followed next. She let out a frustrated groan getting Joshua's attention. Lola slammed her palm over her face. How more does life want to fuck with her?

She caused agitation within him. The angle he viewed her was so tempting not when the silhouette of her body could be seen in the satiny long nightie she wore. The right mould of her breasts to the slim waist and perfect size of her behind made her spell nothing but pleasure. She was the kind who would make a man think of a night full of passion. Her fierce movement, the slight twist of her lips told him she was pissed about something. Joshua took a step closer to her. There was need to speak to her. His eyes swept through her body. He felt the strong fluid movement of want so he stepped back. Standing few feet closer to her would make him do what he might regret.

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