Chapter 10

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One measured step at a time left dreadful clicking sounds echoing through the hallway. He looked around as if searching for something, his nose scrunched with disgust and anger.

"Lola" He called, his voice resonating across the silent corridor. "I hate games" He searched with his eyes, hoping for a movement or shadow.

From where she hid, she slammed her trembling palms over her lips, her body drenched with sweat and fright. She tried not to breathe with the fear that he would hear her breath.

"Lola" He called again, his steps closer and more audible. His patience ran out each second that passed. Her throat clogged and she felt like she would cry out anytime soon. She pressed her hands harder against her lips, tears streaming down her wet face. Through her blurred vision, she saw his legs, just where she was. He paused, looking around, searching for her to show her his wrath. "I hate games. Just come out and let's get through with what we started"

She balled her fist harder, pressed her lips together tighter, her toes curled. She wanted to breathe but she couldn't. She dare not.

"Babe" He called out again, taking few steps away. Each step that led him away nearly had her releasing a breath of relieve. The sounds of his shoes continued, becoming distant. His patience ran out. "Lola!" He yelled out. This time, he began to search frantically for her, allowing his anger to drive him. He pulled curtains apart, Opened and slammed doors. And she heard everything he did, almost dying where she was.

She was almost suffocating. There was little oxygen remaining where she was. Water spilled out of her eyes, brown eyes wide with terror. The corner was hot. Body fluid oozed out of her skin, saturating the silky robe she had on. The noise stopped. For a minute, she hoped he had given up the search and left but she knew him better. He won't. He would search endlessly. Each passing second left a nerve pounding terror on her chest like a weight.

Then the curtain flew open, her eyes went wide. He has found her! He has found her! His frame stood tall and confident with that signature smirk on his face. "Gotcha!" He laughed to her face.

Lola woke up with a start, sweat grazed her body. She laid, paralysed and cold, her body curled like a foetus in its mother's womb. It took her few minutes before she moved, before the fear and chillness on her skin fade away. Lola turned around, lifting a hand to her face. Cold liquid painted the tip of her fingers. She had been crying while dreaming. Sniffling, she rose to sit up on the bed as she wiped her tears off. When she left the club, she had been tipsy on alcohol. Getting home some minutes past one in the morning, she had crashed on the bed into a deep slumber. Now, it was sixteen minutes past three and she had woken up from a nightmare, a reason she does not like to sleep.

Her throat felt dry. She reached for the jug of water, took a gulp then got down from the bed. There was a heavy pounding in her head, the kind that made her feel dizzy a little bit. The emptiness of her stomach had her yearning for anything to eat. She opened the fridge in her room to find it empty. The maid had not restocked it. She felt the quick whip of anger at the maid's incompetency. What was she paid to do if not work? Lola headed out of the room, still in her club dress. The heels she had worn, flung around the room.

She forced herself not to think, not to have a splitting image of the past. It was the past and not meant to be remembered. It's meant to be forgotten and locked away, a thing she had succeeded in doing. Even the psychiatrist back then had not succeeded in making her talk about it.

"Lola?" A voice called from behind as if unsure if she was really the one.

Lola gasped out, the half-eaten chocolate falling from her hand as she twirled around.

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