Chapter 28

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"The red roses would be better than the violets" Rebecca said into the phone, pacing the large expanse of the study. On the upholster sofas were her husband and son, who listened attentively to her conversation on phone. "It would give a romantic ambiance and that's would be perfect to put everyone in mood" There was a pause. "Do not mind Lola. I will do the choosing for her" She gave a nervous laugh then another beat. "Alright. Thanks dear. I will be expecting your call"

Rebecca huffed putting her phone on the mahogany table in between them then settled down on an empty seat.

"It seems the wedding preparations are going smoothly. Everything is falling into place gradually" She smiled, looking at both her husband and son. Her son looked tensed. She could see it in the way his shoulders stayed stiff. He was nervous. It was evident in the way he drummed his fingers against the armrest.

"It's good to hear that. At least, we will finally have peace" Richard rumbled in a low and frustrated volume.

Rebecca leaned back into the chair. Her eyes rested on him. "I know how you feel son" Her voice was cool.

"Do you?" He jumped to his feet, his nostrils flaring.

"I understand" She repeated calmly, meeting his blazing eyes.

"I don't think you do. God, I feel....."

The door flung back, slamming hard against the wall. Three heads whipped to its direction. Cynthia stood at the entrance, her hard eyes scanning the room. Richard stood in the middle of the room, a finger pointed at his mother. She could feel the tension thick in the air that a blade could slice through it but their problem was the least she care about.

Richard groaned, turning around. He ran his hands over his face, not ready for his wife's insult and fight. "What is it this time?" He sank into his seat.

"Do you guys have any conscience at all?" She shouted, flouncing into the room. "Lola has just been discharged from the hospital. She has just had an episode and all you care about is the continuation of the wedding preparations"

"She will get well. It's nothing to worry about" Rebecca said, her voice void of any emotion.

"What nuisance you are, this filthy thing! You got no heart or the feeling of a mother" She spat at Rebecca who gazed at her with sunken calm eyes.

"I will not sit down and listen to you insult my mother again, Cynthia"

"You will have to listen this time, Femi" She took a bold and threatening step to her husband. "You are becoming the most useless father on earth. What kind of father gives his daughter out to a marriage she is not interested in? That Joshua guy is the worst man on earth. He knows Lola is not interested in him, yet he is interested in the marriage. That mother of his is worse. Can't she talk her son out of the marriage and all of you" She pointed at all of them. "E ni lakayi! Iranu! Oshi! Na hin full your body!"

"Enough of the insults, Cynthia!" Richard roared, jolting to his feet.

"You do not have to shout back, son. Her shout won't change anything"

Cynthia stepped back, looking at her mother in law. "You think this marriage will take place?" The words tumbled low out of her lips.

"I am sure it would" Rebecca said with certainty, a smile forming on her face.

"You think so?"

"Nothing you do will halt the wedding"

"You shall see it won't take place"

"I see"

"You want to try me, old bitch!"

"Enough!" Damijo yelled, stamping his stick on the floor.

"Oh, how can I forget you?" Cynthia swung violently to her father in law. "You are the sneakiest old man I have ever known. You played us to the point we thought you were dying" She pointed an accusing finger at Damijo.

"I had great fun from doing that" Damijo replied cheerfully with a broad smile which invigorated Cynthia's rage. "I am going to have another grandson in law. Isn't that nice?"

Because he had not been remorseful and had given her no reason to shout and insult him, Cynthia felt the sizzling fury intensify in her vein. The old man sure knows how to make things sound do casual. She began to shake.

"I d....." She started to talk but an ear-piercing sound halted her.

The sound shrieked through the house. It was alarming that it had everyone standing at alert. The cry continued.

"What's that?" Rebecca asked, rising in her seat.

They looked at each other before sprinting out of the room. At the end of the hallway, there was a little crowd around Lola's door. After the damage she had made to her room few days back, the room had been put to other as if nothing had happened in. There was smoke, a thick cloud of black smoke, dancing out from the opened door.

Cynthia pushed past the maids into her daughter's room. She gasped, halting.

"Jesus! Lola" Cynthia exclaimed, scanning the scene before her.

Lola stood over a burning fire in the middle of her room. Her shoulders hunched and eyes frozen with rage. The rise and fall of her chest was evident, giving away the anger that radiated from her. Despite the heat from the fire, she had not flinched. The blazing red that swallowed whatever she burned reflected in her glossy eyes.

"What are you doing?" Cynthia rushed to Lola. The fire alarm kept on screaming then water sprouted out of it.

"Holy Mary!" Rebecca shrieked. "She's burning her wedding dress!"

"Lola! What in God's name is wrong with you" Richard pulled her back.

Behind them were Lola siblings who watched the event with wide eyes and slacked jaws.

"This is your fault!" Cynthia swirled as she accuse Rebecca. Rebecca's eyes became wide as if she cannot believe what she had just heard. "Will you ever relent? You make me sick!" She headed closer to her mother in law who was still wide eyed. "I have never seen a woman who's as stubborn as you are. You do not even have any sense of right and wrong"

"What a way to speak to me" Rebecca gasped, trembling.

"It's because you deserve it. You are not acting like an elder. I wonder what's so special about the good for nothing groom. Can't you feel her pain? She is your granddaughter. If you claim to feel her pain then you won't push her into something she does not want!"

"What I am doing is right. It is for her own good. She needs a man in her life"

"Enough of those words please!" Cynthia shouted lifting a hand. "Do not use them to keep blackmailing us!"

"I am saying the truth!"

The argument went on. They shouted, nearly yanking each other's hair unaware Miracle had taken Lola out and the fire had been put out. Damijo, weary, sat down on Lola's bed and did nothing to stop their fight.

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