Chapter 1

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The watchman's clapper is about to strike 7pm, lights are being ignited one after another in Sheng Household of Quan Prefecture. A grey-haired old madame seated in the hallof the west courtyard's central building. Hands wrapped with rosary, dressed simply, rather incompatible with surrounding elegant riches. This moment, seated at the right hand, it is precisely the family in-charge, Sheng Hong.

"Ancestor's blessings. This time, this son's evaluation has been excellent. The imperial decree for promotion has been set to be passed at the end of the month." Being early summer, Sheng Hong dressed in a thin ochre-coloured silk jacket. Speech between the two is extremely respectful.

"Your endurance all these years outside has not been in vain. It is most difficult to be promoted to a ranked six official. After this hurdle, you can be considered a mid-ranked official already. Regarding to where you will be promoted, do you have any idea?" Old Madame Sheng's intonation flat, not fluctuating.

"Uncle Geng has already sent a letter to inform, should be senior provincial official of Deng Prefecture." Sheng Hong has always been cautious in his conduct yet his current words cannot help but emit happiness.

"I have to really congratulate Master then. Usually the position of a senior provincial official has only been held those from rank five officials. Not only our ancestors' merit, ought to also thank those who helped you get ready." Old Madame Sheng said.

"That is natural. This son has already drafted a gift list for the several uncles in the capital, request for mother to look over." Sheng Hong took out a few sheets of paper from his sleeves, handing it over to the maid standing by the side.

"All these years, the way Master handles affairs is getting increasingly experienced. Go according to your decision. Bear these words in mind: friendship between gentlemen, insipid as water. Money has to be employed in the right way, etiquette must be thorough. Neither servile nor overbearing and must get close. Those excellencies are rolling about in officialdom for a lifetime, refining each and every one of them with discerning eyes. Over the past few years, they have cared for you, it is true that it is on the account of your father's friendship with them whilst he was alive. You are also have worked hard that they are willing to help. After a few more sentences, Old Madame Sheng began to gasp. By the side, Mama Fang immediately carried the teacup close to the side of her mouth. The other hand gently following along the back of the old madame.

Upon seeing this, Sheng Hong was frightened, hurriedly said "Mother must take care of yourself by any means. This son can have today entirely relies on mother's nurturing. At that time, if not for mother's virtuousness, right now this son would only mix around and pass my days at the countryside. This son ought to be filial to mother."

Old Madame Sheng did not speak, seemingly in a daze. After some time, "Cannot speak of virtuousness or not, merely because of the husband and wife's affection with your father. In any case, it is not good to let his tomb be desolate a century later. Fortunately... you have made progress." her faint voice gradually not heard.

Sheng Hong did not dare to reply, the hall was silent for a moment. After some time, Sheng Hong said "Mother upheld the Sheng all year round, it is certain that you will have continuous good fortune in the future. For the time being, relax yourself and properly rest." Having said, looked all around and cannot help but frown. "Mother's place is too simple and neat, not fixed to look like a nunnery. Mother, listen to this son's words, there are other ordinary old madame who abstain from eating meat and pray to Buddha yet decorate with liveliness. Mother, why do you have to suffer in this way, if others would have to see, they would think that this son is unfilial."

Old Madame Sheng said "Liveliness is in the heart. If the heart is uncultivated, disguising with more liveliness is useless. Merely just a deaf person's ear, only decorative."

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