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"Sleepless nights...they're all I've had for the past month...and I don't know what to do...I feel as though I didn't finish the job...back then..."
The young hero laid in his bed. Every night for the last month, he had the same dream. Him, standing alongside three other figures, all battle ready. But every time they started running, everything flashes white and he awakens. "Is this dream...a prophecy...?" He thought as he opened his eyes. It was morning. Link sat up and opened his window, and a small bird, maybe a dove, flew in with a letter.  Link then grabbed the letter and opened it.
"Dear Link, Please come to the castle at the utmost convenience, there is something we need to discuss. Sincerely, Princess Zelda."
"The princess needs me? I wonder..." The young hero grabbed his sword and shield and set out to Hyrule Castle as fast as he could.

The Legend of Zelda: Warriors Between Dimensions (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now