Popping the Freakin' "P"

196 21 27

So I was reading this cool story, see, and it was all good and cool and like, the guys weren't horribly cliche and the girl had this funny quirk that was actually enjoyable, and then, oh boy, she POPPED THE FREAKIN' "P".

I swear to Chuck I just started screaming 

It was all good up until that part, ermghsighdjgjsdhgiaisrhfhjcfhkdhriuhskrgh

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It was all good up until that part, ermghsighdjgjsdhgiaisrhfhjcfhkdhriuhskrgh

I mean, I'm not ditching the book because of one little mistake like that - which is totally easy to make - but, God, it's obnoxious.

Yeah, I see why people use the term "popping the 'P'", because it gives the reader a better, er...auditory hallucination?? of what the person sounds like, but dude, "popping the 'P'" sounds weird and gross and I don't know why. 

Actually I do know, it's because it makes me think of...a similar phrase, but I don't wanna scar people for life here so 

But like, maybe find an alternate way of describing the character "popping the 'p'"

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But like, maybe find an alternate way of describing the character "popping the 'p'".

Perhaps one of the following:

Putting emphasis on the 'p'

Emphasizing the 'p'

Accidentally spitting on the 'p'

You know what, there actually isn't a good way to describe this noise. Never mind.

Ugh i'm so dumb 🙄


Also, apparently I'm kinda obsessed with putting gifs in this book now, so....

Also, my apologies to the people with slow internet who stare wide eyed at the gif, hoping, praying, that it will move

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Also, my apologies to the people with slow internet who stare wide eyed at the gif, hoping, praying, that it will move...but it never does.

 I feel your pain

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 I feel your pain. I had to wait fifteen minutes for the gif to move, just to make sure it was the one I wanted. 


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