🎶 It's the Cliche, I'll Just Say I'm in Love! 🎶

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Meg, Miranda, and I are very disappointed in you, Title.

Why must there always be romance in every story? 

Sure, if the story is focusing on romance, it makes sense. But if the romance is just thrown in there for the sake of smut or locked lips or something, it's annoying.

Sure, my stories have some romance. 

Terms and Agreements is mostly focused on romance, but also the growth of the MC. 

The Survivors series about zombies...it's mostly zombies, then the romance just happens to be there, but it makes sense. 


Perhaps I should take my own damn advice.

*points to self* hypocrite.

But seriously, there doesn't have to be romance in every single story. There are some movies that I've watched, and they were great. Until suddenly, two people who had never paid attention to each other before started kissing.

And then I get mad. Because it's freaking annoying!

Why? Why do these things have to happen?

Because love stories sell. That's why.

But I only buy the ones that actually make sense. So.

It's like these werewolf stories. The girl hates the guy, is scared of him, then suddenly in love with him? 

Stockholm Syndrome. It's sad the amount of times I've had to say this.

Anyway, if the stupid Mr. Furry kidnaps her, why does she have to fall in love with him? Why can't she vow to escape, and actually escape, without thinking she's in love with him?

Ugh. This is so annoying.

Why can't there be amazing friendships instead of romance? 

Like Harry and Hermione, they were so close, but never dated or anything. It was wonderful.

I know a lot of people shipped/ship them, but I don't, because they seem like siblings to me, so the whole idea of them as a couple is weird.

Friendship is amazing! We need more of it in stories.

Instead of the good girl suddenly falling in love with the bad boy, though they're not compatible at all, have them just become good friends, be each other's wing-people, hang out, go to the movies. Anything but kiss!

Don't kiss de girl! Somebody sink that rowboat, and quick! Poke Mr. Bad Boy Sex God Hot Stuff with the dinglehopper! Hurry!

I'd rather read a story about an amazing friendship rather than a cringy, cliche love story with weird forced romance.

Just choose friendship. The ship has sailed. It's called the Platonic.

This chapter sounded angry. It wasn't meant to. Sorry. 😬

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