Those Darned Sexy Greek God Kidnappers

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All I have to say is, don't do it.

Don't have kidnapping in your story. Unless the story is about the abductee escaping and the abducter going to jail. Or being killed by the abductee.

Don't make your character fall in love with their kidnapper. It's stupid, it's  wrong, it's disgusting. I'm not gonna sugar coat it.

Don't make them fall "in love" with their kidnapper - unless the story is about the effects of Stockholm Syndrome. In which case, go ahead. 

Just make it clear that the character is suffering from said syndrome, and that it's not a good thing.

And in reference to the title, blegh. You'd be surprised at the number of books with titles similar to this. It makes my stomach knot up.

I'm pretty sure I was almost snatched up as a kid, so kidnapping for me is a whole new level of horror.

And think about people who have actually been taken. How do you think they feel about this whole kidnapping thing being romanticized? (Or how they would feel if they were still alive)

They wouldn't feel good about it, that's for sure.


I mean, how does he even decide to kidnap her, anyway? How does that go down, what's his logic?

"Dude, you see that girl over there? The really hot one?"

"Um, yeah?"

"I really want her, you know, man."

"Then ask her out. Just don't tell her you 'want' her, that's weird."

"Ask her out?"

"Yeah, you know, on a date?"

"Naw, bro, ain't nobody got time for that, I'll just kidnap her!"

"Wait, what? No, you can't -"

And then the kidnapper is supposed to be the sexy one, and I'm just like, "so who's the guy with the brain who suggested asking her out? Why can't we have a story with guys like him in it?"

But that would be too much like sense. So Brain Guy needs to call the police or something and stop Mr. Creeper from kidnapping the girl. And then Brain Guy and the girl become friends but not lovers because sometimes people are just friends, and all is right with the world, because Mr. Creeper is gone.

If your character does have to get kidnapped and you don't want them to suffer from Stockholm Syndrome, then have someone free them and they fall in love with them.

Or maybe they don't fall in love with anyone at all! There doesn't have to be romance in every story, you know.

Anyway, that's all I can think of to say on the matter.

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