Every Breath You Take, I'll be Watchin' You...

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Mr. Furry/Bad Boy Sex God Hot Stuff just leveled up to Mr. Sexy Stalker.

He's climbin' in your windows, he's snatchin' your people up!

And I'm over here like, "ain't nobody got time for that!"

And now that I've referenced weird people on the news, let's get down to business. (To defeat, the Huns! Did they send me daughters, when I asked for sons?)

Bro, why didn't you ask for daughters in the first place? 'Cause they can whoop ass just as well as sons, mmkay?

And put a shirt on, young man! (What up last chapter reference?!!)

To get back on topic.....

"I like to watch you sleep." - Edward Cullen. Possibly one of the creepiest guys ever, who ruined the elegant names of Edward, and Cullen. 

Boo you, Edward. Boo.

(In the old woman voice from Princess Bride) BooOOoo!!!

If Bella had a brain, she would've called her dad to come shoot this creepy intruder that had watched her sleep for the past few months! 

Past. Few. Months.

But no, since he's "hot" (which technically, he can't be because he's a vampire, meaning he is dead, therefore, he has no body heat), its okay for him to climb in her windows and snatch her people up.

The only good quality Bella had was that awesome old pickup truck. That truck is the only thing that got me through the first Twilight movie. The others I didn't watch, and I've tried to shut out the terrifying memories of that one.

 Blegh. And what the hell was up with Jacob's hair? (I almost called him Jason, jeez)

(It's fine if you like Twilight, though. The books were probably better, and it had a cool concept, it just wasn't played out properly, in my personal opinion.)

Why is it supposedly attractive or sexy for the bad boy, or the werewolf, or the vampire, to follow the MC? It's not romantic, it's just creepy. 

Like, for real, if some dude was following you around, somehow had your number, and kept texting you, would you fall in love with him?

No. You'd fear for your life.

So why is it romantic in books? Or funny? Or cute? I have a friend who was stalked by someone, who knew where she lived and kept walking past her house, messaging her on Facebook, and some joker gave him her phone number and he texted her. She changed her number.

Fortunately he gave up after a few weeks, but she was terrified the entire time. It wasn't funny! It wasn't romantic! It wasn't cute! It was terrifying!!

So don't make it as romantic or shit in stories, because younger readers will think this is how they'll find their true love or something and let the stalkers, well, stalk them!

Some people are just too impressionable, and can't decide for themselves what is right or wrong, or safe, so we kind of have to think about that before we just make something out as romantic or funny or cute when it is not.

But also, people will think what they think, and there's nothing we can do to stop them. And it also isn't always our job to try to teach everyone right and wrong.

Now, in my story, Terms and Agreements, the MC's friend gives her number to the love interest, but, he isn't following her around, or obsessing over her unhealthily, and he only texted her after he got it in an emergency. And she knew him before.

But I really shouldn't have done that. Ugh. I really do hate myself sometimes.

I know we all make mistakes and might make it seem like Mr. Bad Boy Sex God Hot Stuff has turned into Mr. Sexy Stalker when that wasn't our intention at all.

But just be careful, more careful than me, and try really hard not to have a creepy Mr. Sexy Stalker in your story. Your MC is not a ring to be obsessed over by some creepy creature, okay? 

"Every breath you take, I'll be watchin' you....

Oh can't you see? You belong to me...."

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