Kidnapped by Mate. Then Rejected. Then Pregnant. Got a Makeover.

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Mary Sue of the werewolf world, people.

Mary Sue lived a normal life. She went to school, put up with her neglectful aunt, and tried not to think about her dead parents.

Her life was dull, arbitrary. Wake up, go to school, sit through classes, go home, do homework, go to sleep. Repeat. And repeat.

And then she met Alexander Xander. He was tall, strong, handsome. A werewolf. And her mate. And the alpha of the most feared pack in North America.

And she hated him.

So he decides to abduct her from her home one night, and the oh-so-convenient lack of loving relatives and friends means no one even cares that she's been kidnapped. She is taken back his pack where she is held against her will before falling "in love" with him.

*cough* Stockholm Syndrome *cough*

Ugh. Ack. Gross. Ew.

Chapter 1:

He pushed me against the wall, his lips mere inches from mine. I tried to push him away, but he was too strong.

"Mine," he growled, his eyes roaming my face before he dipped his face to my neck. A stabbing pain spread throughout my body as a pair of canines were sunk into my skin.

With a rush of adrenaline, I pushed him away, clutching at the now bleeding wound on my neck.

"I hate you!" I yelled.

Chapter 2:

"Oh, Alexander Xander, I love you," I breathed as he pushed me against the wall, his lips mere inches away from mine. "Kiss me, please."

His lips curved in a smirk as he whispered, "mine," before pressing his lips into my own.

Calling me exasperated would be an understatement. Enraged might be a better word.

Because everything about this is wrong. Beyond wrong.

Mary Sue's bipolar "feelings" for Mr. Furry, if you'd call them feelings, are beyond annoying. It's not love, it's Stockholm Syndrome. And if not that, it's just plain lust.

So, Mr. Furry kidnaps Mary Sue, they fall in love, have coitus, and then - bam! Pregnant. Then, the rouges (it's ROGUES, people!) kidnap her, but this time, for some reason, kidnapping is bad. So Mr. Furry sets off to go save his one true...lust?

Oh, and she just so happens to be a rare white wolf with extraordinary powers. Oh my god, I never saw that coming! You're the one, Mary Sue, you're the one!

Save the farm, Mary Sue. You're the only pig that can herd sheep. (Sorry, references)

She has black hair, but for some reason her wolf form is white? That makes no sense. Whatever her natural hair color is in human form will be the color of her fur in wolf form.

And what about human/werewolf hybrids? The children of a human/werewolf pair? That would be kind of cool, and a better excuse for her to be abused by her pack rather than because her parents died. Because in their eyes she's no better than a human.

Also, why does she have to be abused? Abuse is a very serious subject, you can't just write about it lightly like it's just some normal, mundane thing. Because it most certainly is not.

And why would somebody abuse someone because their parents died? (And don't bring the Dursleys into this) And why would someone abuse someone else for being a "late shifter"?

Yes, another thing that's "wrong" with Mary Sue and is "rare".

My name is Mary Sue, and I am a werewolf. My whole pack hates me because my parents died and I still haven't shifted, though everyone else my age has.

And then she shifts and she's a rare white werewolf that can talk to the moon goddess or some shit.

And I don't understand why Mary Sue always hates Mr. Furry and then suddenly decides she loves him (lusts him more like). Why can't they actually get along? 

And why can't he be a non-abusing, sweet, confident but not arrogant, mature guy who doesn't scream "mine!" any chance he gets?

And if he does say mine, why can't she sock him upside the head with a frying pan or something for being hella creepy?

MC always has some weird special talent like talking to the moon goddess or something. (Now that Bruno Mars song "Talking to the Moon" is in my head)

Firstly, what even is the moon goddess exactly? That's never explained. Secondly, if this moon goddess is talking back to MC, wouldn't people think she needs help and try to get her a psychiatrist or something instead of just saying, "oh, she is talking to the moon goddess! What a wonderfully beautiful and rare gift!"

Rejected then pregnant. How do I even begin? 

First of all, why would the stupid Mr. Furry knock her up and then just throw her away? If he didn't like her, why have sex with her first? I mean, come on! Ugh. 

If you want your MC to get pregnant and then not have her mate with her, make her a werewolf and him a human (or vice versa) and they're driven apart by prejudice. 

Instead of Mr. Furry being an asshole and screwing her and then just throwing her out like a piece of trash.

Rejected then hot. Ugh!!!! This one makes me so angry!

I mean, here's the thing. If this stupid Mr. Furry already rejected you, why on earth would you go through all of the trouble of changing who you are completely just to get him back? He doesn't deserve anyone because he's an asshole! 

Move on with your life and forget that stupid piece of shit werewolf guy. He always had bad breath, anyway. Plus he was a creepy stalker asshole.

And, just like with regular Mary Sue, werewolf-world Mary Sue lets asshole Mr. Furry control her. 

"Mine" he says. "Sure, okay" she says. 

I mean, come on! You're not alive simply to please him! You're alive for you, too, Mary Sue. Don't let him treat you like shit because he's hot!

And that brings me into another subject: romanticizing abuse. 

Not good. This is bad, this is very, very bad! (They just can't get my nose right!)

But seriously, abuse is not a thing to be taken lightly or twisted around to be made out a good thing or "romantic", because it's not.

I can only touch lightly on this subject because it's such a sensitive one, but hear me out: if you want your character to be abused, make the story about how she gets out of the abusive situation/relationship and overcomes her fears and challenges to grow into a strong and brave woman.

Or man. The fellas can get hurt, too. So write a story about him getting out of that situation and growing into a strong and brave man.

 Don't make them let themselves be torn down and apart by Mr. Furry or Ms. Furry or whoever just because Furry is  "hot" or their mate. 

Rant over.

Please don't make the females in werewolf stories be treated like objects. Or any story. Let no one, regardless of gender be treated like an object. This happens a lot, and it's romanticized. But being treated like an object is neither romantic nor safe! So please, please, refrain from having the women in your (werewolf) story be treated like objects. Because they're not.

Your MC can be special, just try to think of something else besides talking to the moon goddess or being a white wolf to make her special.

Also, please don't name the book what the plot is. "Mr. Furry Kidnapped me!" "Kidnapped by my mate." Also, it shouldn't even have those plots. Because they're pretty awful. If she's being Kidnapped, don't make her fall in love with her kidnapper! Ugh.

Anyway, that's all I can think of now. There will probably be more werewolf chapters later because there's just so much to complain about in this genre. Unfortunately.

I Don't Wike It: The Cliches and Sterotypes of WattpadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora