Meet Wally, the Human Wall

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The bell rang suddenly. Oh no! I gasped. I was late for class. I took off running down an open hallway that I had been down a thousand times before and it was most definitely not blocked off by anything. 

Suddenly, I ran into a wall! That I somehow didn't see as I was running and why was there suddenly a wall in the middle of the hallway?

But it wasn't a wall! It was a boy! A super hot boy to be a exact. Wally Wallace, to be even more exact. He was so much taller than me and had jet black hair and deep blue orbs. (Ergghhh I'm dying inside)

"Watch where you're going, Princess," he said huskily, smirking.

"Ew, don't call me that!" I said, blushing.


Who else hates the human wall? *everyone raises both their hands and feet*

Good, so I'm not alone. Didn't think I was.

So, first of all, dudes aren't walls. Secondly, why do all guys automatically have to be muscly and tall? And also wear super tight clothes?

Personally, I couldn't give a crap about height, and I like guys on the skinnier side in kind of baggy clothes (as long as their pants aren't falling down. Deal breaker, right there). 

And I get super annoyed when I'm reading a story that seems legit - you know, the MC isn't too Mary Sue, the plot seems cool - and then, of course, the love interest is six feet tall and a hulking, muscle-bound giant in skin tight everything. I mean, come on!

And do you know how hard guys have to work to maintain that wall-like physique? They have to work out a LOT. And eat right, too. 

So it's not as annoying when the guy is shown working hard to keep up with his muscularity, but when they're just magically muscly and crap it's so horrible.

Just a couple of skinny or chubby guys, please! Some shorter dudes, please! 

I mean, in these cliche stories, every single guy in the story is muscular. Not even side characters are allowed to be normal! 

Argh! Ergh! *dissolves in a pit of despair*

And I mean, can you imagine trying to cuddle with all those hard muscles? Ouch! Because he is always described as having "rock hard" abs.

Why not have a guy who is neither skinny, nor chubby (not that there's anything wrong with him being either of those things), but right in between, perfect for cuddling because he's...well, kinda squishy. Like a human teddy bear. Or something. I don't know.

Now that would be awesome!

I'm not like "anti-muscles" or something, I'm just saying, not every guy has them, and not every guy needs them. There are so many different types of bodies that are just as attractive as a muscular body type.

And if you do give your love interest muscles, how about, instead of huge bulging muscles that are just enormous and the main focus of the dude, he has subtle, lean muscles.

Think of it like this: all the guys in these stories are built like Thor, but why can't we have some more guys built like Loki? Or Spider-Man? Or those random extras everywhere, who are actual normal people who have various normal people body types?

Anyway, I'm not against any body type - tall, short, chubby, skinny, muscular, all the others - I'm just saying that the "muscle-bound giant in skin tight everything" is being overused.

Have any ideas for something I can rant about? Please tell me, because I can't think of anything! 😬 Can't guarantee I'll rant about it but anyway, byeee

I Don't Wike It: The Cliches and Sterotypes of WattpadWhere stories live. Discover now