All Rise, the Honorable Mary Sue Presiding

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Okay, am I a title genius or what?      

Or what.

"Hi, my name is Mary Sue Smith and I have perfect hair, perfect white skin, perfect teeth, a perfect body, and I'm smart, sassy, and gutsy. But everyone, including myself, thinks I'm ugly and weird and never pays attention to me."

Except, apparently, Xerxes Xander Jaxon Xylophone.

(Now the letter "X" has no meaning anymore)

Let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start.... 

(if you know what movie/song I'm referencing, you're awesome! But back on track)

Steer clear of the terrifying trap of Mary Sue the Story Killer. 

Yes, it is tempting to write a character who is everything you've ever wanted to be: beautiful, strong, smart, the object of Mr. Bad Boy Sex God Hot Stuff's affection. (P.S. You are beautiful. And strong. And smart. And you don't need a Mr. Bad Boy Sex God Hot Stuff to be happy.)

But she needs to be different. She needs to have her own character quirks and flaws. 

Make her unusually tall, or exceptionally short.

 Give her some curves, some meat on her bones. 

Or maybe she's skinny and feels self conscious about the fact that she's flat chested? 

Short hair, long hair. Crazy frizzy hair. Maybe she has hairy legs because she despises shaving? 

A morbid sense of humor instead of a sarcastic one (though these can go hand in hand). 

Maybe she doesn't want Mr. Bad Boy Sex God Hot Stuff's affection? 

What if she's actually had sex before? What if she makes the first move? 

*gasps* What if she has confidence in herself?

(And confidence in sunshine, and confidence in rain, and confidence that spring will come again)

The possibilities of making your MC unique are endless. All you have to do is set aside some time to make her this way. She can still be awesome, she just needs to be different. Because different is awesome.

But don't forget to give her flaws. The last thing you want is a Mary Sue whose only "flaw" is clumsiness. 

Maybe she's impatient? 

Brutally honest? 

Too trusting or impressionable? 

Has anger issues? 

Jumps to conclusions? 

Cries when she's frustrated? 

Or laughs when characters in movies die. (*Points to self*)

Don't just settle for the default setting of Mary Sue. Nobody likes her because she's a story killing robot with a trap.

Also, don't give her some outlandish name like "January" or "Wisteria" or "Jupiter", because that instantly makes her unrelatable. Sure, she can have an odd name. Plenty of people have unusual names, and that can be relatable. 

Just be careful. Say the name aloud, ask other people around you how it sounds. It can't be too foreign, or she'll seem like an alien or something, so unless she's supposed to be an alien....

Anyway...If she does have an unusual name, give an explanation.

For example: your MC's name is Leia Scarlet because her mother loves Star Wars and Gone with the Wind.

Okay, so Leia Scarlet isn't too crazy. 

How about Arwen because her parents are obsessed with Lord of the Rings? (*points to self while wearing the One Ring, not that anyone can see*) 

Or Cleopatra because they love ancient Egypt?

Another thing that bugs me about Mary Sue is that she gives in too easily. She's supposed to be this strong, independent girl, but the second Mr. Bad Boy Sex God Hot Stuff decides he wants to kiss her, she lets him, even if she's not ready. 

It bugs me, beyond bugs me, because she's letting some stupid guy control her! Take advantage of her! Ergghhh!


Make your MC unique, and you're already on the right track to having an excellent and enjoyable story.

Of course, you still need plot, good supporting characters, a unique love interest...but this chapter is about your MC, who, if done correctly, will have readers falling in love with her in no time and wishing she was their best friend.

Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor. *whistles* 

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