Winter is Comin'.

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Things that annoy me about Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier fanfics. First, let me begin by stating that I've never read Bucky/Steve fanfics, so I have no rants about them.

This isn't supposed to target any specific story, or to hate on anything. This is just my weird ass opinion. If you agree with some of these, however, that's fine, too. Also, this stuff isn't in every BB/WS fanfic, just most of the ones I've read.

Also, I wrote this before Endgame. Or even Infinity War. (It's been in Drafts for a looonnnggg time) I have not seen Infinity War or Endgame (I know, I know) but I basically know I lot of the major things that happened in them. I think? ....

But anyway, let's get started, shall we?


He always gets a haircut. Leave his long hair! It's gorgeous! It's rivaling that of Loki and Sam Winchester! Leave it alone! Maybe give him some better shampoo and conditioner, but just let him keep his long hair, dammit! 

Sure, a haircut can symbolize new beginnings, or a return to self, but dammit I'm a sucker for a dude with long hair, so....

But if it's a healing process, I can't argue with it.

But long hair, man.


He always calls her doll. Ughhhhhhh. I don't know why, but this bugs me so much. 

I literally have no idea why. It's not even a bad thing. It's not a bad nickname, as long as she likes it. It's endearing. But it bugs me for some stupid reason and I DO NOT KNOW WHY.

And honestly, not knowing why it bugs me, bugs me more than the actual nickname.

He always slips back into Winter Soldier mode and starts choking her. Why is it always choking? Why not throwing her out a window, putting a gun to her head, a knife to her throat, or throwing her over a table? (Okay that last bit sounded dirty 😏😏, oops)

But, no, it's always, always choking. Every damn time. And I kind of get sick of it after a while. I mean, yeah, I can see why it's the "go-to", but try to find some other method of attack or something, not just choking!

And usually, the reason why he chokes her is because she wakes him up in the middle of a nightmare! Y'know, if somebody's thrashing around and screaming in their sleep, you probably shouldn't touch them. 

Especially, you know, if they are a highly trained soldier with killer instincts. Like, you know, an assassin? One with say, a split personality? 'Cause that might not be the best idea. Just sayin'.

And I know, I know, the MC's nurturing instincts and blossoming love for him are screaming at her to help him, but in the long run it just causes more damage because she gets hurt, he has even more guilt, and I have to read about it. 😂

The girl gets kidnapped and he has to save her. Thus facing his fears of fighting people, facing Hydra, and revisiting his past. And having to admit that he's in love with her. And usually sacrificing himself to save her. Like "take me, not her", but they're both somehow rescued in the end.

But it's fine.

Like, for real.

I'm just obnoxious.

He is sent to kill her, but, without even knowing who she is, suddenly decides not to. This one time. Randomly. 'Cause love. Duh. How does this make sense? I mean, why didn't he not kill all the other girls before? Huh? Why this time? And don't tell me love has no explanation or they're soul mates or something, just...why? Why this time? They're not even in love yet! I don't understand it.

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