Adopted by [Insert Random Group of Hot Dudes here]

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First of all: errggghhh *pukes*

Secondly, how is this even supposed to work? So One Direction goes into a children's home, picks out some random teenage girl, somehow manages to adopt her, takes her home, and then one or all of the band members commence to fall in love with her.

Legal incest! Legal incest! Alert! Alert!

Legally, she is their daughter. So, if they fell in love, it would be weird.

Also, it's hard for me to even talk about this because there is no logic at all and it makes my brain hurt. 

Anyway, why would a group of twenty-something year old guys want to adopt a teenage girl - or adopt anything other than a pet - in the first place? It makes zero sense.

I mean, they're traveling all over on tour, writing songs, recording songs, trying not to get mauled by the (sometimes creepy) fans - when do they even have the time to take care of someone other than themselves or their families?

I don't understand. And I don't really want to. It's creepy.

And it's just weird! There's got to be an alternate reason for the girl to join them.

Oh wait, there is one! "Kidnapped by [Insert Random Group of Hot Dudes here]" But that's for another time.

So the Pontipee brothers just waltz into an orphanage in 1850s Oregon and ask if there are any teenage girls up for adoption. That's not creepy or suspicious at all.

(Please someone tell me you got that reference)

I mean, if you want your MC to somehow come into contact with One Direction, or some other famous boy band (there are so many I don't know about, I'm so out of the loop, people. Surprised I even know about One Direction. Only know like three of their songs, though, so...) just make her friends with their sisters (do they even have sisters?) or maybe she's their witness protection guard or something.

I don't know. Personally, I think it's weird to write about real people in fan fiction rather than fictional characters, because you know nothing of who they really are. They might act a certain way in an interview or onstage, but that doesn't really tell you anything.

But that's just me. I'm weird.

Just please don't have a group of people (usually dudes) adopting random teenage girls for no reason. 

I don't know, my brain refused to delve too deeply into this one, so...later, taters.

"Taters? What's taters?"


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