Who am I? Who are you? Who the Hell is he?!

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So I had a rant idea, but I forgot it....so I figured, might as well write about amnesia! 

Since, you know, I forgot...?...anyway....

What is it with amnesia in stories? I mean, I don't think amnesia is very common to start with - sure, there's memory loss from a blow to the head, but usually the extent of it is being unable to recall the events that took place moments, possibly hours, immediately prior to the injury - so why do so many MCs get amnesia?

And like, they forget everything. People, events, locations - I wouldn't be surprised if someone went so far as to make them forget things like toilets or food or some outrageous thing like that.

And apparently these people think that all cases of amnesia are alike? They're not!

I don't know the technical terms or whatever, but there's:

   - Amnesia where you forget just one person. 

   - Amnesia where you've lost time - like days, weeks, maybe even months or years.

   - Amnesia where you remember your past but now your memory is just totally whacked and you can't remember new things.

   - Amnesia like Jason Bourne's, where you don't remember how you learned something, but you still know how to do these things. 

   - Amnesia where you can't remember who you are. (Also like Jason Bourne)

   - Amnesia where your brain erases a specific traumatic event (such as abuse or witnessing a murder or something).

I don't think it's very common for someone to just forget everything. And also, different types of amnesia are more common than others.

But, I'm no doctor, so I don't know much about this amnesia stuff. I've researched it a little, but not enough to accurately write about it.

Also, I think it's dumb in a book when something really crazy happens, then the MC gets amnesia, and so the whole story is retold, copied and pasted. Or the MC just has to do everything all over again, so there are slight changes, but it's still mostly copied and pasted.

Who decided amnesia was a "good plot twist"? It's not! 


Unless the story starts with this amnesiac discovering they have no memory and so the story is about them rediscovering their life, or it is told through flashbacks as they remember or someone tells them.

Also, when the MC gets her memory back, it's always something really weird and random that brings it back. And like, everything comes back at once, or through dreams.

Regaining memory is a gradual thing, I think. And yes, it may come back in dreams, but probably not all of it, or all at once, and then it may be difficult to decipher whether it was a memory, or actually just a dream.

Or sometimes her boyfriend or whatever will kiss her and bring her memory back. I'm like, yeah, love is powerful or whatever, and kisses might be nice (I wouldn't know 😋), but I don't know if they can cure freakin' amnesia!

Or sometimes they'll hit their head again and get their memory back? I mean, I don't know, I guess that could work? Or they could just get severe brain damage, like a brain leak or loss of speech or something. Or have you ever heard of concussion syndrome?

Anyway, not sure what my point was here, but...just forget about it.

(Heh, see what I did there? Forget? Eh? Eh?...Okay, I'll leave....)

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