Any member of the twelve Waypriests who sit on the council to help make and interpret laws and prophecies in Illum.

The royal scepter of the house of Lahroan.  It is said to give its bearer magical protection.

Djar’s father.  He was killed while fighting valiantly during the goblin occupation of his castle and the city of Mahhrain.  Though a great statesman himself, he supported Duke Kellwood for August Duke.

Started by Duke Darian nearly 200 years before Djar’s birth, the council makes and interprets human law. It is ongoing and the council’s headquarters were moved to the city of Naru, where many of the different peoples live together in peace and settle any differences.

The name given to the trolls due to their dark brown – nearly black – skin. The dark people are a proud and noble race. Now united under one great Chieftain, they are becoming more and more important in terms of commerce with the other Nations of The Land. They are  actually majicals, and have unbelievable strength. 

A Majical being conjured by the wizard Bellwood during the Great War, as a failed means to combat the goblins.  Though non-viable, the demons are very long lived and totally uncontrollable.  They are the most dangerous of all Majicals. Thankfully, only dozens exist, though some are unbelievably powerful.

Djar’s father’s bodyguard and Captain of his Home Guard. 

The not-so-smart High Goblin Warrior and Arms Master.  What he lacks in intelligence, he more than makes up for in fighting ability.

Located just east of Teardrop Lake, Durbin is a frontier town full of thieves, killers and transients.  It seems to be the drawing magnet for just about any human on the run.  Besides Bathaag, it has the number one murder rate in all The Lands.

The largest forest in all The Land. It has many trading trails, but also a lot of unknown areas. It is very thick in certain areas, barely allowing in the daylight to the forest floor.

One of the great swords of legend and the blade of the House of Lahroan. If the blade breaks the skin, the wounded is almost instantly paralyzed with a debilitating sickness that can last anywhere from days to weeks.  The great Duke Darian used it during the Great War. The blade also glows when danger is near. However, the one weakness is in its use against the undead – it is basically just a normal sword, albeit unbreakable and perpetually sharp.

A reclusive sorceress, said to have great magical powers.  She is said to be able to raise the dead and animate non-living things. Her keep is located in the South Durn forest, near the Human/East Wilder border.

The elf Commander General of Aeilronic’s Treeguard. His brother is the Waypriest Keeper Prime, Elyan.

Current Keeper Prime of the Books of Illum, and Elras’ brother.  

A deep trench in the Chapel Mountains, which was settled a long time a go by the dwarf gold miner Fletcher Garn, who never found the shiny metal he was after, but who did uncover vast veins of silver, lead and iron ore.  The division of the dwarven army now fights the goblins from a relatively protected spot in the canyon.

Certain members of the Treeguard that serve and protect Aielronic.

The most powerful (militarily) of all human settlements.  Used in the Great War as a central base for the northern armies of the dwarves and humans.  Later, it became a training center for all three duchy’s armies and Home Guard.  It was besieged by goblins and later taken.

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