Chapter Eighty One

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You Light Up the Sky Like Lightning 81

"Justin?" I called, walking up the stairs in his house. 

I couldn't find him anywhere downstairs. 

It was after the little 'surprise Justin and Landry' party thing Pattie had put together, and everyone had gone back to the hotels they were staying at. 

Well, almost everyone. My parents were staying at Carin and Scooter's house, so I was staying at Justin's so I didn't have to be around them. Ryan and Chaz were also staying in Justin's house, and now so was Skylar. Like Justin and I predicted, she and Chaz were inseparable. It was actually kind of funny because no one had ever really seen that side of Chaz before. They really seemed to hit it off pretty fast. 

But anyways, back to me looking for Justin. 

"Justin!" I called again as I made my way to his bedroom door. 

I knocked and heard him say, "Come in."

I opened the door, and saw him at his desk, writing something. When he heard me enter, he looked back in my direction to see who it was. When he saw it was me, a big smile formed on his face. He got up from the chair, and walked over to me. 

"Hi there, my beautiful fiancé," he said, putting his forehead against mine and touching his nose to mine. 

That's sounded weird. Fiancé. 

"What were you writing?" I asked. 

"The song that you gave me the idea for," he said. 

"Can I hear it?"

He smiled. "If you want to."

I nodded, smiling. 

Justin went back to his desk, and grabbed his guitar on the way. He sat down in the chair, and positioned the lyrics to where he could see them and play at the same time. 

"Ready?" he asked. 

"Yes!" I exclaimed, plopping down on his bed. 

(a/n: Okay you guys, this is a Disney song, but I really liked it so I'm using it. Don't laugh at me. I know it's a cheesy song. Oh, and I have a sudden obsession with angels and angel wings because of another book I read so that's why, if you were wondering.)

"Let me be your wings, 

Let me be your only love, 

Let me take you far beyond the stars,

Let me be your wings, 

Let me lift you high above,

Everything we're dreaming of will soon be ours, 

Anything that you desire, 

Anything at all, 

Everyday I'll take you higher, 

And I'll never let you fall. 

Let me be your wings, 

Leave behind the world you know, 

For another world of wondrous things,

We'll see the universe, 

And dance on Saturn's rings,

Fly with me and I will be your wings.

Anything that you desire, 

Anything at all,

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