Chapter Two

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Chapter Two


"Not bad," he said, slowly walking toward me.

I narrowed my eyes at the intruder before walking away from him towards my iPod. I put on another song and walked to the middle of the floor, ignoring the pop-star watching me. 

Starting to dance, I didn't notice that Mr. Famous had walked to my iPod to paused the music until it was too late and it stopped playing. 

I stopped my movements and glared at him. Angrily walking to him, I grabbed my iPod out of his hands, smirking as I hit play again. 

But right as I turned around to walk back to the middle of the floor, he unplugged my iPod. 

I turned around fiercely. 

"Really, Bieber?" I snapped. 

He smirked now. "Carin said it was time for you to come home. My mom and I are eating dinner with you, Carin, and Scooter, so they made me come get you."

"Great," I said in mock sarcasm. 

I walked to him and ripped my iPod out of his hands. Again. 

"So are you walking home, or do you want a ride?" he asked impatiently. 

I rolled my eyes. "Just let me change."

He smirked. "No, we don't have time. Not unless you want to change right there."

I stared at him. "You going to leave me alone to let me change?"

He smiled slyly. "Nah, I'm good."

I rolled my eyes. Didn't think he would. Then in that case, I'm not changing. 

"Let's go," he said before walking to the door.

I quickly gathered up my stuff and followed him. Trying not to trail him like a puppy, I jogged until I was next to him before I slowed my step.

When we reached his car, he opened his door and got in. But he didn't unlock my door. He just played with the lock/unlock button, trying to annoy me. 

Knowing what he was trying to do, I ignored him and studied at my nails. I was not letting this jerk screw with me. 

Finally after a few minutes of attempting to annoy the shit out of me, he gave up and unlocked the door to let me get in. 

I avoided all eye contact with him as I got in. Well, all contact in general. 

The ride was completely silent while driving to Carin and Scooter's house. 

When we got there, Bieber got out and walked quickly to the door. He opened it, and right before I could walk in, he slammed the door in my face. 

I jumped in shock. 


A few seconds later, Carin opened the door with an uneasy smile on her face. 

"Uh, you okay, Landry?" she asked hesitantly. 

I put on a sarcastic smile. "Oh yeah, he definitely wanted to meet me."

She let out a little laugh and let me in. 

"Go shower or whatever and then come down. We will eat dinner when you’re done. Okay?" she said. 

I nodded and ran upstairs. I hadn’t noticed how sweaty I was until she said something, so I started feeling really gross pretty fast.

Quickly showering, I changed into a nice, light blue shirt, and a pair of white Jean shorts. Throwing on black flats, I smiled in the mirror, pleased with my outfit.

I put on eyeliner, a little bit of brown eyeshadow, and some mascara. Liking to keep things simple, I threw the makeup back in the bag.

Exiting the restroom, I looked in the mirror one last time. Pleased even more so with my appearance, I made my way downstairs. 

Carin and Scooter were talking to a lady at one side of the table. The lady was sitting at the head of the table, with Carin and Scooter on her right, leaving the Bieber kid on her left. I laughed to myself at how bored he looked. 

I was okay until I realized that the only open seat left was right next to him. 

Uh, hell no. Not going to happen. 

When I came to where everyone could now see me, Scooter came over and hugged me since he hadn't seen me yet. 

“Wow, you have turned into quite the young lady,” he said proudly. 

“Thanks,” I mumbled.

Then he introduced me the lady at the head of the table. 

"Landry," he said. "This is Justin's mom, Pattie."

She smiled sweetly at me and said hello. Returning it, I automatically liked her more than her son. Her voice was sweet, and she had a warm, welcoming smile.

"Landry," Scooter whispered to me. "Go sit next to Justin."

I gave him an 'are you freaking kidding me?' look, but he just laughed and nodded. 

I rolled my eyes, but followed his orders. So now Carin and Scooter were across from me and Justin, and Pattie was the farthest away from me. 

We all ate and talked. Although I purposely ignored Bieber. It was like any other dinner where your friends and their families come over. Pattie seemed to really like asking me questions, and the Bieber kid just seemed interested in me overall. 


After eating and talking for about two hours, Bieber thought it would be funny to try to pull some of my strings. He reached under the table- so Carin, Scooter, and his mom couldn't see- and squeezed my knee. I jumped slightly, and I glared at him in return, but he didn’t see me because he was in a conversation with Scooter. His face didn't seem to let on about anything that he was doing which irritated me even more. Looking across the table for help, I saw that Carin was talking to Pattie, so neither of them noticed the exchange between the pop-star and me.

Bieber squeezed my knee a few more times just to annoy me before he started trailing his fingers up my leg. I tried to subtly move away, but his hand just followed my leg. It didn’t help that everyone else was completely oblivious to what this asshole was doing. 

When he got way too close to private areas, I pushed his hand off me and stood up quickly, bring all conversation to a screeching halt. Suddenly I had eight eyes on me, and I was seriously reconsidering my actions.

I quickly made the excuse that I was going to clear the table since everyone was finished, and I took everybody's plates to the kitchen. Whatever got me out of that room seemed like a good idea to me. 

I walked the short walk to the kitchen, and set the dishes in the sink. Resting my hands on the counter, I leaned over it trying to calm myself down from being so angry. I was just about ready to pull my hair out because of what this asshole was doing to me. I don’t think he realizes how much it pisses me off, and if he does, then he’s doing it for his own entertainment.

I sighed and turned back around. I was going upstairs. I couldn't be around him any longer. 

I was halfway across the kitchen, and suddenly the asshole walked in front of me. 

"Hey, where are you going?" he asked. 

I just glared at him. Again. The glare was supposed to be a universal sign for ‘get the fuck away from me,‘ but it was quite obvious he didn’t take it as that.

"So, why'd you make some lame excuse to get away from the table?" he asked with a sly smile. 

"Because you are pissing me off, touching me in places that you are not allowed to touch," I spat.

He smirked and started walking towards me slowly. I automatically backed up. That is, until I hit the wall. 

Damn it, you stupid wall! You're blocking me from getting away! 

Bieber put his hands on the wall next to my shoulders and pressed his chest right up against mine. There was no longer any space between the two of us, and his face was about an inch away from mine. But my reaction was what made me even more uneasy: Butterflies started forming in my stomach, no matter how hard I tried to fight them. My heartbeat became irregular, and I growled at my body’s natural response to him. Trying to push him away, I failed miserably because he was too strong. I just stood there, not moving to anything I did. 

"Come on, Landry, don't be like that," he said, lowering his voice seductively. "You know you like it."

I got goosebumps, causing me to swallow hard. Damn, stupid hormones. 

"I'm getting a restraining order against you," I grumbled.  

He smirked again as he touched my shoulders with his cold hand, making me shiver. He then started to run his fingers down my arms. Pressing his chest harder against mine, I started to get mad again. He should not be this close to me without my consent. 

His stomach was now flat against mine, and his forehead was resting on mine. One of his legs was on the left side of me, and the other in-between both of mine. His hips were holding mine in place, and when one of us shifted, they would rub against each other. I really wanted to knee him where it hurt, but I was a little stuck. Maybe if he moved over a little bit, I could . . .

While scheming ways to get him off me, I realized I was okay until he put his hands back on the wall and leaned in and kissed my neck ever so lightly. 

Shit, more goosebumps. 

"Please just tell me what you want, and then leave me alone," I said, pushing him off my neck. I tried to make my voice steady, but it came out a little bit shaky. 

"Mm," he said. "What do I want? How about we go upstairs and I'll let you figure out what I want."

I stared at him. 

He wanted . . . ew.

"No," I said seriously. 

"You know you want to," he said in another low, seductive tone. That pissed me off more. I was not a slut, and if he thought I was, then I was wrong about him. He was not only a dick, but a perverted one at that.

"Uh, no I really don't,” I snapped. “There's no way in hell I'm going upstairs with you. Alone, yes. With you, no."

Leaving my kneeing-him-in-the-balls-plan behind quickly, I bent my knees a little and ducked under his arms, successfully getting out of his little body trap. 

As I was walking away, he grabbed my wrist. It was enough to make me stop walking, but not hard enough to hurt me. 

That was the last straw. Turning around to face him, his eyes widened when he saw how pissed I looked. "Bieber, I swear to god I will knee you right now, and then cut off your balls in your sleep if you don't let me go."

He immediately let go of my wrist. 

I smirked. "Thought so."

I walked away from him and went upstairs to my room. Yes, my room. I have my own room here because . . . well . . . actually it was the guest room, but Carin and Scooter redid it for me when they knew I was coming. We all knew I'd be here for longer than just the summer. No one wanted to admit it to me though. But they were sweet taking me in. 

I grabbed a magazine and plopped down in a chair, staying right there until about nine when I thought Pattie and her asshole of a son had left. 

Let me just say that I was so wrong. 

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