Chapter Fifty Two

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You Light Up the Sky Like Lightning 52 

*Justin's POV* 

"No, Justin, I don't want to leave tomorrow!" Landry groaned, laughing. She really loved it here, so I knew that I was bringing her back here sometime. 

This past week had gone by so fast. We spent a day out shopping, which Landry loved. She bought a lot. And I mean a lot. We spent another day at the pools and water park. We spent another day on the beach, and we revisited the aquarium. We even went to the teen club here- emphasis on 'teen.'

But, today was August thirty-first. I had by tonight to win that bet. And it was already five at night now. 

Right now we were on the beach again, walking down it with our ankles dragging through the water. She was holding onto my right hand with both of her's, and my left hand was tucked in my pocket. 

I looked down at her. She was looking around, taking it all in one last time. Her long hair was blowing in the wind, and the setting sun reflected in her eyes, making them sparkle. 

Her gaze found mine, and she smiled. "Thank you for taking me here, Justin," she said, leaning against my shoulder. 

I stopped walking, and kissed the top of her head. "You're welcome."

"Justin?" she asked, lifting her head from my shoulder, and moving to stand in front of me. 

"What is it, baby-doll?" I asked. I brought my hand up to trace along her jawline. 

"You've done everything for me," she said quietly. I knew where she was going to take this. "And I guess... Well, I guess I just feel guilty because I don't know how I'm going to repay you, and all. You've done so much for me." She looked at the sand beneath our feet.  

I just stared at her. She didn't get that she didn't have to pay me back. For some odd reason, she had that mindset, and I couldn't coax it out of her. 

Landry looked back up at me. She had the look of guilt written all over her face. 

My hand was still tracing her jawline, so I gently used it to grab her chin and pull her forward into a hug. I squeezed her tight when she hesitantly wrapped her arms around my waist. 

"Come on," I said softly. "You know you don't have to pay me back. I've told you that before. Don't worry about it. You deserve it. I want to do all of this for you."

She smiled up at me, gratefully. 

"Come on," I said again. "Let's go back to the room."


*Landry's POV*

I jumped in the shower when we got back to the room. I washed my hair at a length because there was sand matted in it, and the feeling really irritated me. 

When I was done, I wrapped one of the fluffy, white towels around my body. I tucked in the corner at the top, and grabbed another towel to dry my hair. Not totally dry, but not dripping wet either. 

I looked around the bathroom, and realized that I had forgot to grab pajamas. And I was not putting my sandy bathing suit back on. I decided just to go grab some.  

Yes, I knew Justin was out there. No, I really didn't care that I was in a towel. I knew that it would happen sooner or later. And it wasn't that big a deal. 

I opened the door, and was met by the rush of cold air against my skin that was still hot from the water in the shower. 

Justin was reclining on the bed, watching tv. As soon as I stepped out of the bathroom, his attention turned to me. He was just in a pair of basketball shorts, which made me crack a smile and look down at my feet. 

I ignored him, even though I knew where this might go if he got up off the bed. His many failed attempts has shown me what he wants.

I walked to my suitcase, and grabbed some pajamas. When I turned around, I found Justin right behind me. He had this look on his face that I'd never seen before. 

"Babe," he said in a low voice. "Are you trying to kill me with that?" He motioned to my towel, and I laughed. 

"No, I actually really did forget these out here." I held up my night clothes for him to see. 

He smirked. I walked around him in attempt to make it back to the bathroom, but Justin stopped me before I got three feet away. 

He turned me around and the look in his eyes made me freeze in place. I'd never seen anything like them. They were dark, dark brown, and there was something in them that looked like... he clearly wanted something. 

He slowly took my pajamas from my hands. He tossed them on the floor behind him, and then took another step in towards me, closing in a lot of space. He was right in front of me now. 

"You know," he said in a hushed, deep voice. His hot breath tickled my nose. "That towel makes you look very sexy."

I cracked a smile at him. I knew where this was going, but for some reason, this time I wasn't going to stop him. 

He leaned forward, and very, very lightly put his lips against mine. The softest, feather-light touch of our lips was all that connected us for now, but there was a fire there in me that I had never felt before. It coursed through my body, and it made me want more.

Justin's arms circled my waist, and he drew me in closer to him. I could feel the clean line of our two bodies connecting- legs tangled in legs, hips pressed against hips, chests heaving at the same time. He never once broke the kiss. 

Justin started to back me up until the backs of my knees were pressed into the edge of the bed. He kept pushing a little, using some force, but not much. I fell backwards-I had to grab onto my towel so it didn't slip off- landing on my back, and Justin used his arms to catch himself so he wasn't crushing me with his weight. It pinned me closer to him, and that was exactly where I wanted to be. And we did all of this without breaking the passionate lock of our lips. 

Then he started to really kiss me. Softly and gently at first, making subtle- but lovely- pecking noises in my ear. He trailed down my jawline, giving me sweet little kisses along the way. It made me moan and tilt back my head in pleasure.

I was still holding onto my towel, and it was slowly slipping from my grip. But, I soon realized that it wasn't from Justin kissing me, or the falling onto the bed. It was Justin slowly trying to pull down my towel. I didn't stop him. 

Justin pulled away before he got the towel off of me. The look on his face said, 'Are you sure?' clearly. 

I smiled, and nodded. A smile spread across his face, and he crashed his lips back down into mine. This time, he was aggressive, and forceful, and I loved it. 

And that was only the beginning. 

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