Chapter Seventy Six

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You Light Up the Sky Like Lightning 76

"Guys, we're home!" Justin called as we walked into Carin and Scooter's house after the doctor. 

Pattie was the first to greet us. She hugged both of us, and said, "How'd it go?"

"It went really well," I said. "The doctor was so sweet, and it's obvious she knows what she's doing."

"And we got to hear the baby's heartbeat, and see the sonogram thingy!" Justin said excitedly. 

"That's awesome!" Pattie said. "No picture yet, though, right?"

I nodded. "It'll be too small to see in the picture."

"I didn't think of that," Justin muttered. 

"Hey!" Carin said, rounding the corner, and greeting us. 

"Hi!" Justin and I said at the same time. 

"It went well, right?" she asked. 

I nodded. "So far everything's just fine. We go back in ten weeks."

"Hey! Landry!" Blake said as he bounded down the stairs. "What's up?"

"Not much," I said, giving him a small hug. "Oh, and Blake, this is Justin. Justin, this is my brother, Blake."

"Sup man?" Blake asked Justin, holding out his hand. 

"Sup," Justin replied, doing some weird handshake with Blake. 

Justin gave me a funny look, and I rolled my eyes at him. 

"Do we have any ice cream?" I asked. 

"Uh, why?" Carin asked. 

"Because I really want ice cream," I said. "Like, all of a sudden."

Pattie, Blake, Carin, and Justin looked at me with funny expressions. 

"There's ice cream in the freezer," Carin said.

"Cool," I said, walking off to get some. "Thanks!"

I made my way to the kitchen, and pulled open the freezer. I found some vanilla ice cream, and took it out. I grabbed a bowl and a spoon, and scooped some ice cream into the bowl. 

"Hey," said a voice behind me, startling me. 

"Jeez, Blake!" I exasperated. "Don't sneak up on me like that!"

"Sorry," he said, taking a seat in one of the bar stools on the other side of the counter from where I was standing. "So... you and Bieber?"

I smiled without thinking about it. "What about us?"

"You guys pretty serious?"

"Well, obviously. We're going to have a baby," I said. 

"Good point," Blake said. 

"But yeah, he really makes me happy," I said. "He means the world to me, and I don't know what I'd do without him. God, that sounds cheesy."

Blake laughed. "Naw, not cheesy. Truthful. There's a difference."

"Touché," I said, shoving a spoonful of ice cream into my mouth. 

"He really likes you," Blake said. 

I blushed. "Blake, you just met him," I said. 

"I know, but I can see it in the way he looks at you."

"Now you sound like Carin and Pattie," I said.

"It's true!" he argued. 

"Okay," I said, dropping the topic. 

I ate my ice cream in silence until two arms wrapped themselves around me from behind, making me jump. 

"Hey baby," Justin whispered in my ear. 

"Hi," I said, turning my head to peck him on his cheek. 

"How's that ice cream?" he said with a smirk. 

"It's great!" I said. "Want some?"

I scooped some up with my spoon, and held it out towards his face. He opened his mouth, and I fed it to him. 

"Thanks," he said. 

"Anytime," I replied, shoving more down my throat. This was going to be one of the worst parts of pregnancy: cravings. 

"So how'd did y'all actually get together?" Blake asked. "When I talked to Landry when y'all were in the UK, she hated your guts. No offense, man."

"None taken," Justin said. "But, uh, after that, we just sort of clicked. We were like best friends for a while, and then I asked her out when we were in Paris."

"Hm, cool," Blake said. "And what's all this I hear about a bet?"

I glanced at Justin. His gaze was distant. 

"That was me being an ass," he said quietly. 

"Oh," Blake said, aware that he hit a touchy subject. "Well, in Paris, how did you ask her out?"

I smiled gratefully at him, knowing he was trying to lighten the mood. 

"Well, I made her meet me at the Eiffel Tower, and we just walked around it and stuff," Justin said, a smile coming to his face. Then he turned to me, and put the tip of his nose on mine. "It was one of the best days of my life."

I smiled, and kissed him, momentarily forgetting about my brother sitting right by us.

"Uh, excuse me while I go puke," Blake said, getting out of the bar stool and walking off. 

I laughed, and pulled away from


"Well, now we know how to get him away when he's annoying us," I said. 

Justin laughed as I took another bite of my ice cream. 

"Paris seems so long ago," I said. "Doesn't it?"

Justin nodded. "It's been, like, six or seven months. It was a long time ago."

I considered that. It really was a long time ago. 

"We should go back!" Justin exclaimed out of nowhere. "Considering how much you loved it last time. We can go next week! How does that sound?"

I smiled at him. "That'd be awesome! But doesn't Paris cost a lot?"

He gave me a look. "Landry, you're worried about money? I'm basically set for life. And since you are my life, it only makes sense."

I rolled my eyes. "You have the cheesiest pick-up lines!"

"But you love it!"

"I do," I laughed. "So true."

"Paris," he said. "Next week."

"Okay," I smiled, and hugged him.

*Justin's POV*

Landry pulled away from me, and went back to her ice cream. She glanced at me out of the corner of her eyes, and threw me a sideways smile. 

I kissed the top of her head and walked back out to where my mom and Carin were. 

"Hey Justin," my mom said. 

"I'm going to need both of y'alls help with something," I said at a volume level where Landry couldn't hear me. 

"Okay," my mom said, glancing at Carin. 

"Okay, Landry and I just decided to go to Paris next week, and I was wondering..."

They looked at me funny. 

"Wondering what?" Carin asked. 

I took a deep breath. "How much do you guys know about engagement rings?"

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